Student Futures Manifesto – The Ten

Our ten pledges to you.

We'll help you enjoy the UWE Bristol experience you want

It’s a big deal, going to university. A big step but an even bigger opportunity. So naturally, you want to make the most of it. We want you to make the most of it.

That’s why, working with some of our past and present students, we’ve developed The Ten: Our ten pledges to you.

The ten ways we’ll make sure you’re able to get  the UWE Bristol experience you want. In the way that’s best for you. The ten promises we make to you today, that will help you get where you want to be tomorrow.

Because it really is all here for you. But – and it’s an important one – you have to make things happen. You’ll get out as much as you’re willing to put it in. So, help us to help you.

students sitting together outside a café laughing and smiling.

Our ten pledges to you

We don’t want you to look back on your university experience and think 'What if?'. Don’t wait around and expect everything to fall into place. Make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.
And remember, we’re here for you. That’s a promise. In fact, that’s our ten promises.

Four international students walking by Bristol Cathedral

1. A sense of belonging

From before you arrive to well after you leave, you’ll feel a real sense of belonging within our UWE Bristol community.

Two students studying

2. Tools and resources

You’ll be given all the information, advice, tools and resources you need to settle in, start well and make the most of your time here.

Human hands holding green globe

3. Global matters and issues

You’ll be introduced to global matters and issues that will expand your horizons and world view.

Person smiling while riding a bike down a road.

4. Health and wellbeing

You’ll be encouraged and supported to look after your health and wellbeing – physically, mentally and emotionally.

Student sat at a desk looking at a computer screen in the library while two students talk behind her.

5. Support services

You’ll have complete access to all our support services and resources, as part of a rich, vibrant learning environment.

Student filling in exam paper

6. Assessment and feedback

You’ll be assessed in a way that’s inclusive, varied, engaging and authentic, with relevant, actionable feedback that’s individual to you.

meet the employers event

7. Personal development

You’ll find all kinds of personal development and professional networking opportunities open to you.

Group of saxophone players chatting outside

8. Co-curricular activities

You’ll find a place for you, a place where you’re able to be yourself, with our inclusive communities and co-curricular activities.

Back-shot of two graduates posing for a photo with their arms around eachother

9. Celebrate your successes

You’ll be recognised and celebrated for all your successes, in all their shapes and sizes.

A student sets up their exhibition at a degree show

10. Values and interests

You’ll be supported to identify and explore your personal values, interests, strengths and aspirations – to be the best you can be.

How we are keeping our pledges

1. A sense of belonging

  • Holding events, such as open days and offer holder days, providing the opportunity for you to meet and chat with current students and alumni.
  • Providing opportunities for you to meet current students from all levels of study and from different backgrounds, to help you feel a sense of belonging and a sense of community before you arrive at UWE Bristol.
  • Introducing you to the peer assisted learning schemes and signposting the co-curricular support as soon as you arrive.
  • Supporting you to build meaningful connections with peers, including those in different levels/years, programme teams and the UWE Bristol community.
  • Encouraging you to develop communities within your course, the University as a whole, and groups you self-identify with to increase your sense of belonging, for example, faith, domicile, disability, and interest groups.

2. Tools and resources

  • Making all information clear, concise, and easy for you to understand.
  • Raising awareness of all the support available for mental health and wellbeing.
  • Communicating regularly with targeted promotions, sharing the support and activities available pre-arrival and throughout your time at UWE Bristol.
  • Providing key and timely information before you arrive at the University, and at, or before the point of need when you’re here, depending on your individual circumstances. All key information, tools and resources will be saved in one place.
  • Providing you with an accessible ‘Welcome Guide’ when you arrive, providing an overview of all the events, services and support available at UWE Bristol.
  • Helping you to have an understanding of your course, by communicating information such as skills requirements, the modules as well as the timeline of assessments and what is expected.
  • Communicating about what it’s like to live as a student in Bristol and the UK in an honest, concise and clear way, including orientation of UK campuses, local areas along with other information.
  • Providing a Starting Block which recognises the diversity of our student body.
  • Ensuring that Starting Block is co-created by a diverse range of students and staff.

3. Global matters and issues

  • Introducing you to issues, such as inclusivity, diversity, carbon literacy education, awareness of the climate and ecological crisis and understand how sustainability is embedded in your course.

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4. Health and wellbeing

  • Empowering you to take responsibility for your mental health and wellbeing, encouraging you to identify what activities and support you need, and helping you to access these.
  • Helping you to understand how mental health impacts the diversity and different needs of students and staff – making training available in mental health awareness and safeguarding.
  • Fostering a culture based on respect and kindness, supporting positive mental health and wellbeing for all to encourage disclosure and early intervention.
  • Understanding the challenges you may face throughout your studies and target specific support to meet your needs. You’ll have access to a range of mental health and wellbeing activities and support, across all campuses.
  • Proactively identifying if you require additional mental health and wellbeing support at an early stage.
  • Continually reviewing procedures and processes, considering how they have an impact on mental health and wellbeing.

5. Support services

  • Promoting our services in a personalised, approachable, human way.
  • Ensuring services and departments work together in a coordinated way to establish any support you might need. This includes effective triaging to ensure the right support is found quickly.
  • Giving you one clear point of access for support, whether on the phone, online, or in-person depending on the campus you’re based at.
  • Frequently reviewing and developing the available support, in partnership with students and staff, to ensure it is high quality and meaningful.
  • Promoting the differences between all the support services on offer including The Students’ Union support services and academic support.
  • Co-creating dynamic learning environments so you can build confidence in working with others, get feedback and develop the skills to succeed at university and your future career.
  • Making learning stimulating and enjoyable by following the 3Ps learning framework: Prepare, Participate and Practise.
  • Collectively creating an environment conducive to learning through the provision of safe, respectful, inclusive study and social spaces, both physical and online.
  • Co-creating a coaching culture, connecting you to study and wider skills support.
  • Supporting you to develop the skills to critique, interrogate and apply knowledge through participation in interactive learning sessions, supported by the timely provision of accessible, quality information and learning materials.

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6. Assessment and feedback

  • Ensuring you’ll experience assessment that is inclusive, varied, engaging and authentic, with opportunities for choice, collaboration and your input.
  • Providing a transparent feedback process (both group and individualised) enabling you to reflect on and evaluate your progress to plan for personal and academic improvement.

7. Personal development

  • Enabling you to benefit from the collaborations UWE Bristol has with employers, networks and professionals, offering up-to-date industry specific information, employment trends and global employment opportunities.
  • Supporting you to find placement opportunities.
  • Providing you with the opportunity of engaging with guest speaker events.
  • Providing you with the opportunity to take part in cross-disciplinary events.

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8. Co-curricular activities

  • Connecting you to the University’s alumni network who are encouraged to ‘give back’ to the community.
  • Providing you with the opportunity to access inclusive and diverse societies, sports clubs, and communities.
  • Providing you with the opportunity to attend a variety of events and socialisation activities to meet peers.
  • Ensuring you can practice your faith (if relevant to you) with the appropriate provision to do so.

9. Celebrate your successes

  • Supporting you to make informed decisions, manage your own future and be flexible and resilient in a changing and global world.

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10. Values and interests

  • Supporting you to become an ethical future professional, able to recognise, develop and articulate your skills throughout the learning experience.
  • Providing you with the opportunity to engage with and reflect on activities inside and outside of the curriculum that support and raise your ambitions and goals while broadening your interests, options and skills.
  • Supporting you to evaluate what you want and need as an outcome of your course. Through your academic journey you’ll be supported to identify your personal values, interests, strengths and aspirations and have help to navigate any setbacks or challenges.

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