Log in to UWE Bristol
Select one of the UWE Bristol student or staff login options below:
Students and alumni
MYUWE log in
Log in to MYUWE for news and events, your timetable, personal details, marks and coursework submissions, and links to support and other UWE Bristol systems.
Library account
Access your UWE Bristol library account.
UWE Welcome (for applicants)
If you have applied to study at the University and received a username and password for your UWE Welcome website, you can log in to check for new messages and view the status of your application.
MyCPD log in
If you have applied for a Health or Education CPD module, you can log in to check the status of your application, upload documents and apply for further modules.
External access for students
Remote access to the UWE Bristol network for students.
Alumni email access
For 12 months after leaving UWE Bristol, you can access your UWE Bristol email through Office 365. Log in with your UWE Bristol email address and password.
Staff log ins
Staff email
Access your staff email account from outside UWE Bristol.
Staff intranet
Access the staff intranet from outside of UWE Bristol.
Staff external access (Intranet guide)
UWE Bristol staff, please refer to working from home using eXternal Access (Intranet access only).
Casual staff ESS access
If you need help accessing Employee Self-Service (ESS) for the first time or setting up verification methods, please see our ESS access guidance.
You may also be interested in

Your UWE Bristol account
A guide to your UWE Bristol username, email, passwords, MFA and other accounts available as part of your studies.

IT guidance for graduating students
Information around your access to IT Service provisions for graduating students and students returning to a new course.

Wifi and remote access
How to connect to the campus wifi (eduroam) and access digital resources.