UWE Bristol defines “coursework” as a piece of work that you would normally complete outside of the classroom. The following are all types of coursework (so the information on this page applies to them):
- dissertations
- essays
- posters
- pieces of group work
- laboratory reports
- oral presentations
- research reports
- blogs
- final projects
- artworks
- portfolios.
Microsoft Office (Office 365) is available free for students. You are allowed to download and install the software on up to five devices. You need to login to your university email account to access the Microsoft Office download.
Assessment content limit
An assessment content limit gives you a clear indication of the maximum number of words you can use in an assessed piece of written work. You can find information on the maximum assessment content limit for all your assessments in the module handbook. View the Assessment Content Limits Policy.
Coursework deadlines
The deadline for the submission of all assessed work is normally 14:00, on a date specified at the start of each module.
You are expected to plan your workload to avoid being impacted upon by a minor illness or other cause. However, there is normally a late submission window of 48 hours following the original hand-in deadline during which you can submit your assignment without penalty if you experience a problem meaning that you cannot meet the deadline.
An assignment cannot be submitted after the late submission window has ended. Failure to submit the assignment within the late submission window will result in a non-submission being recorded.
In some circumstances a late submission window will not be available for an assignment, please see assessment support options for further details.
If you are unable to meet the original hand-in deadline you do not need to provide a reason or evidence indicating why you need to use the late submission window.
See marks and feedback for further information.
If you're unable to meet a deadline or have a problem with an assessment
UWE Bristol provides a range of support processes to help students who are encountering situations which impact on their ability to submit work or to attend assessments.
How to submit
Online submission
When submitting your coursework online, this will normally be through either the Blackboard or Pebble Pad, these are virtual learning environment platforms that have been designed and created for digital accessibility. View the guidance for using Blackboard.
To submit coursework via Blackboard:
- Log in, click the three lines icon in the top left hand corner of the screen and select the Coursework tab. You can submit your coursework by clicking on the link.
- you may submit to the coursework as many times as you wish, but only the last submission you make will be assessed.
- If your last submission is after the deadline but within the 48-hour late submission window, this submission will be the one marked and not any earlier versions.
- The date and time of your submission is taken from the Blackboard server and is recorded when your submission is complete, not when you click submit. With this in mind, make sure you leave plenty of time to allow your work to upload.
If your coursework is not received by the deadline, or within the late submission window, you will see a non-submission (ns) on your record.
What happens if I can’t submit my work due to a critical systems failure?
The following actions will only be considered in cases where there is a malfunction that means students can’t access critical systems (defined as Blackboard, MYUWE and UWE Bristol networks) for more than five minutes in the final two hours before submission.
If there is a temporary loss of access to online coursework submission caused by a critical systems failure, the University may decide to take the following action:
- all deadlines for work submitted online will be extended by an additional 24 hours
- all deadlines for assessments that are not submitted online will be extended by an additional 24 hours (due to the potential for losing access to Blackboard materials)
- all deadlines where students have already been given an extension under Reasonable Adjustments will be extended by an additional 24 hours
- if the extension falls on a Saturday or a public holiday then it will last until 14:00 on the next working day.
This response has been created to ensure that students are not negatively impacted, in the case of a critical systems failure.
Students will be advised of the extended deadlines via messages on Blackboard, MYUWE, the information screens and posters around the Coursework Hub. Make sure you also check the University’s and The Students’ Union social media accounts for updates in the event of a critical systems failure.
Please note that this process does not cover interruptions to:
- other UWE Bristol services
- residency networks
- equipment and services not supplied by UWE Bristol (for example students' domestic network access or personal computers).
Interruptions or system failures limited to student computer labs are not covered.
The responsibility to submit on time remains with students.
What to do if you notice a problem
- If you are unable to submit or have experienced an issue, please call the IT Service Desk on +44 (0)117 32 83612 as soon as possible before the submission point closes.
- If you have noticed a mistake with your submission after the coursework submission point has closed (after the late submission window), please contact an Information Point to review potential options that might be available.
Submission of hard copies
It is anticipated that the majority of your assessments will be submitted online. However, where there is a professional body requirement for coursework to be submitted as a hard copy, this is usually done via submission boxes located at your campus:
- Frenchay Campus: the submission boxes are located at the Coursework Hub, Level 1 of A Block (underpass area)
- Bower Ashton Campus: students should go to the C block corridor (or will be given alternative instructions where appropriate)
- Glenside Campus: the submission boxes are located in A block behind the Information Point.
Some items of coursework (for example, posters or dissertations) are not submitted via a submission box, your lecturer will be able to tell you more about this and the arrangements for submitting your work, during your module.
In the event of adverse weather conditions and University closure, hard copy coursework should be submitted by 14:00 on the next day that the University is open.
Balancing your assessment load
The benefits to submitting your assignment for the first deadline can be significant.
Module assessment deadlines are usually during or just after the run of the module and have been designed to take place at the ideal time for your learning.
You are encouraged to submit to the first deadline as it gives you the opportunity to:
- apply knowledge when it is fresh
- spread your assessment across the year
- receive feedback on drafts and ideas
- act on feedback from staff and peers during the module
- receive module specific support from your module and programme leader while undertaking the assignment
- utilise an uncapped re-sit later in the year if you fail the first try.
There may be times when you are experiencing difficult personal circumstances or have multiple deadlines within a short time. We strongly recommend speaking to a Student Support Advisor about your options and support available to you.
Find out more about the risks and consequences of uncapped resits.
Submitting your coursework
You should receive specific instructions either online or in your module handbook on how you submit coursework at the start of each individual module.
Some modules may require you to submit your coursework online. If this is the case, you will receive detailed instructions at the start of your module.
Information about your coursework and submission methods is also given in MYUWE Learning. You can also view the guidance for using Blackboard.
Please note that you may not submit coursework by email.
Resit coursework
Module leaders are responsible for providing you with details of resit coursework on Blackboard.
If you have not received details of your coursework within 14 days of the publication of your results, you must contact your Student and Programme Support team immediately.
Reasonable adjustment for a resit deadline
For a resit, a reasonable adjustment to the deadline will give an additional five days from the original deadline. This does not include assessments contributing to the Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship, which are eligible for a three-day reasonable adjustment.
What are assessment offences?
Please see the assessment offences policy for more information on what constitutes an assessment offence, and the processes and penalties applied.
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