Late submission window
The 48-hour late submission window is effective from 1 September 2023. Late submissions before this date will have five days.
What is the 48-hour late submission window?
You are expected to plan your workload to avoid being impacted upon by a minor illness or other causes, such as technical issues. However, if you encounter unexpected difficulties, a 48-hour late submission window is available to all students, during which you can submit your assignment without penalty.
An assignment cannot be submitted after the late submission window has ended. Failure to submit the assignment within the 48-hour late submission window will result in a non-submission being recorded.
Can I access support during the 48-hour late submission window?
For the assignment that is due, your programme or module team will not be able to provide with you any additional assignment support within the 48-hour window. You will, however, be able to access support from other UWE Bristol services such as Student Support Advisers and the Wellbeing Service.
Do I need to provide evidence to use the 48-hour late submission window?
No, if you are unable to meet the original hand-in deadline you do not need to provide a reason or evidence indicating why you need to use the late submission window.
Reasonable adjustment to a deadline
The reasonable adjustment length is seven days following the original hand-in deadline for students who are eligible for the reasonable adjustment, as a disabled student, carer of a disabled person or due to pregnancy, maternity, and paternity. There are certain exceptions to this. Please see our page on applying for a reasonable adjustment for more information.
Apply for a reasonable adjustment
For resit submissions, the reasonable adjustment length is 5 days following the original hand-in deadline.
There may be cases where the 48-hour late submission window cannot be accommodated for due to the nature of an assignment. These assignments will be exempt from the 48-hour late submission window, and you must submit by the deadline. You can check whether your assignment is exempt on the module Blackboard page or the assignment brief.
Further support
We want all our students to be able to succeed and so we want to support you if personal difficulties or circumstances affect your studies and mean that you may be unable to complete, submit or attend assessments. If this happens to you, please contact us via the Information Point and we will give you advice and support.
If you do not pass a module at the first sit, you will normally get an automatic resit. Find out more about uncapped resits.
Our Information Point staff will help you understand the options available, and can refer you to specialist staff or support processes as appropriate to your situation.
For further information, please look at our assessment support options webpage.
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