Suspending your studies
A suspension of study is a break from study and is usually for one academic year. A suspension of studies could be appropriate if you have experienced serious but temporary circumstances which have impaired your learning. For example, medical treatment, a long period of illness or another unexpected but disruptive occurrence.
If you wish to suspend your studies, you will be eligible to return as long as your course is still running and you return within two calendar years. It is possible that your course may undergo substantial changes or stop running, which may affect your ability to return to it. You should also check any professional body restrictions regarding the time you are allowed to take to gain your qualifications. If there are changes to your course, you may have to take additional modules to ensure that you have met the learning outcomes of the course.
There are implications to withdrawing temporarily or permanently. We’d urge you to chat to a Student Support Adviser if this is something you’re considering.
You must request a suspension of studies by the following dates:
Programme start date |
Suspension of studies |
September 2024 |
27 April 2025 |
January 2025 |
27 July 2025 |
January 2025 (Midwifery only) |
31 August 2025 |
February 2025 |
21 September 2025 |
If you commenced your programme of study after 1 August 2022 you will have a maximum period of study, in which you must complete your award. Suspending your studies will count towards this maximum period of registration, therefore you should seek advice from a Student Support Advisor on how this might impact you and if you will be able to complete your award in time.
What you need to do
Step 1
If you've decided to suspend your studies, you should book an appointment with a Student Support Adviser to talk through your options.
Step 2
To suspend your studies, contact any Information Point to request a form.
We will action the suspension of your studies after we have received your form. The date we record will be the day that we received the form.
Step 3
It is likely that you will incur some fee liability if you suspend your studies. Our fees and funding sections provide further information. You can also find details of the University’s Money Advice Service.
Read the Suspending your studies factsheet (PDF) to find out how it will affect you financially.
You should note that:
- your progression may be affected
- there may be consequences if you withdraw from a programme accredited by a professional body
- there may be implications on your immigration status and for completion of studies if you require a visa
- you cannot submit work for assessments or sit examinations during your suspension
- no marks for work submitted after the suspension commences will be recorded
- withdrawal from modules will remove access to view them on Blackboard
- it will only be possible to return to the same programme if it is still running.
Step 4
If you are on a suspension of study and it is due to end, we will contact you and ask if you wish to return, extend your suspension of study or withdraw. Once you have confirmed, the University will take the appropriate action (eg if you wish to return we will send you information about registration, module choices).
On your return you should note that:
- you will need to take assessments for any modules you did not pass, even if you had previously submitted work for them or taken an exam
- the form of module assessment may be different
- you may be required to change your mode of attendance (eg from full time to part time).
Students at UK partner colleges
If you are based at one of our UK partner colleges you should follow the same process. You can also seek guidance from staff based at your college.
Health and social care students based at Glenside Campus
When you wish to return to your studies on a health and social care course, you will need to contact the Programme Leader for your course. They will need to liaise with the Professional Practice Office to check the Placement availability before your return.
Education ITE and PGCE courses
Suspensions from these courses are dealt with on a case-by-case basis. If you wish to suspend your studies on an ITE or PGCE course you will need to contact the Programme Leader for your course. When you wish to return to your studies on an ITE or PGCE Education course you will need to contact the Professional Practice Office to check the Placement availability before your return.
International students
If you are an international student, you should be aware that making a change to your course will have implications on your immigration status and the completion of your studies.
Please contact the Immigration and Student Visa Support Service if you would like to discuss any issues.
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Student Support Advisers
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