Bristol Allies
Creating allyship in our community.
At UWE Bristol, we’re really proud to have such a diverse, inclusive and kind community. A community that makes sure everyone feels seen, heard and safe.
We want to make sure every student feels like they belong at UWE Bristol. To feel a part of our community. We want everyone to feel accepted, respected and happy whilst they’re here. To do that, we need more allies in our community – and that’s what Bristol Allies aims to do.
To our disabled students; to members of our LGBTQ+ community; to people from different backgrounds, race and religions to you; to women in our community – we can show you how to be an ally to your housemates, coursemates and our wider student body.
What is an ally?
An ally is someone who wants to support, empower or stand up for another person or a group of people. They’re not spokespeople or experts – but they’re present and active in their support. Perhaps you are passionate about issues facing other students and want to create meaningful change, or perhaps you recognise your privilege and want to challenge the status quo.
Why it’s important
People in marginalised groups often experience forms of discrimination. These people need our support – it’s our collective responsibility to make sure our community is a safe and positive place to live and learn.
How to be an ally
Being a good ally is more than supporting with words. You should also take actionable steps to support people.

Students with a disability
Find helpful resources on being an ally to disabled students, how to call out unacceptable behaviour and helplines for support.

LGBTQ+ students
Find advice and guidance about supporting students in the LGBTQ+ community.

Women and girls
Learn more about calling out unacceptable behaviour, empowering change and find helplines for support.
Become a Speak Up ambassador
Join the Speak Up students’ society and help make a real difference in your community.
Let us know how we can do more
We (the Student Communications Team) want to learn more about the issues that affect you, what you want us to tackle and how we can do more for you. Email and let us know.
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Student support and triage team
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Find out how to raise a safeguarding concern. We take all safeguarding concerns seriously and take proportionate and appropriate action.