Student Experience Coaches

How we can support you

Student Experience Coaches can help you with your university experience outside of the classroom. 

This could be: 

  • time and workload management
  • building confidence
  • managing stress
  • changing direction
  • tackling procrastination
  • setting and reaching goals
  • balancing home and university life. 

We will help you to find support to overcome anxiety connected to your life at university.

First-year undergraduate and foundation year students might also see a coach about a range of topics in group or programme sessions as part of your course.

A student looking at a computer screen in the library with two students talking behind her.

Developing your plan

We will help you to learn the skills and knowledge to succeed in your academic work. 

We support you to develop your own plan for: 

  • defining direction  
  • overcoming obstacles 
  • achieving your aims. 

What is coaching

Coaching involves talking things through with a coach who will encourage you to seek solutions to your issues. It encourages you to take control and feel empowered.   

Coaches will not make decisions for you or make judgements about your circumstances.

How to book an appointment

  1. Step 1

    Drop-in sessions are available during term at the following times.

    Frenchay Campus, Library – level 2

    • Monday to Friday: 11:00 to 14:00

    Glenside Campus, Library – level 1

    • Tuesday to Thursday: 11:30 to 13:30

    Bower Ashton Studios, Student hub (Information Point)

    • Tuesday: 10:00 to 12:00
    • Thursday: 12:00 to 14:00

    Spike Island Studios

    • Tuesday: 12:00 to 14:00

    You can also email a Student Experience Coach at with an outline of your situation and we will get back to you.

  2. Step 2

    During your drop-in session, you will talk through your situation with the coach. If they think it would be helpful, they will make an appointment for a one-to-one coaching session.

    If coaching isn’t the right support for you at this time, the coach may signpost other resources or refer you to another service within the University or an external organisation.

  3. Step 3

    We will email you confirmation of your appointment booking and the name of the coach you will be seeing. Your appointment can take place face-to-face on campus or online via Microsoft Teams.

  4. Step 4

    If you can't attend an appointment, you can cancel it via InfoHub or by emailing You are welcome to arrange another appointment.

    If you miss three appointments in a row without letting us know first, we might ask you to return for a drop-in appointment.

Attending your appointment

Appointments take place Monday to Friday between 9:00 and 18:00 and will last 30 minutes to an hour. 

They can take place face-to-face on campus or online via Microsoft Teams. 

Microsoft Teams appointments

Your coach will contact you at the appointment time. Make sure that you are logged into your UWE Bristol account before the appointment. 

What happens in your appointment

The Student Experience Coach will work with you to set your goal for the session. You will explore any challenges you're facing and how you might overcome them.

After your appointment

Following your appointment, we will email you at your UWE Bristol account with a link to InfoHub where you can access your agreed actions from the session.

We will also include a link where you can give anonymous feedback about your experience. This will help us monitor and improve the service.

Resources and information

You might also find the following resources and information helpful:

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