How to access software on-campus, off-campus and at home.
Software at UWE Bristol
Most of the software you'll be using during your studies can be accessed easily via AppsAnywhere, on student PCs and your own devices.
Some software is a bit more complex, so for a better experience they are locally installed and available via student PCs.
Browse 'software A-Z' to discover the planned version and group, then browse 'software by group' for the specific software locations on campus.
Browse software
Software A-Z
Browse all software to discover the planned version, what group they are part of and how you can access it.
Software by group
Browse software available within your group and where you can access it on campus.
Software via AppsAnywhere
AppsAnywhere is an app store-style platform that gives you access to the software you need for your studies.Available on all campus computers and any Windows PC on or off-campus.
AppsAnywhere does not currently support Chromebooks, Windows 10 and Windows 11 in S mode, mobile or tablet devices.
Specialist software
Specialist software is installed on some student PCs on campus. It may be easier to use one of these PCs if you are needing to use larger software packages.
Some specialist software has specific instructions for installing on your own device and may take longer to download when launching it for the first time. Depending on your network connection, you may find it faster to do this on-campus whilst connected to eduroam.
Once downloaded, you can use AppsAnywhere to relaunch the software as and when needed.
How to access Adobe Express
UWE Bristol is a Creative Campus giving students free access to Adobe Express. With Adobe Express, you're not confined to a specific location or time. This cloud-based platform ensures seamless collaboration, real-time updates, and the ability to access your work from any device.
- To sign in, open Adobe Express in your browser.
- Use your Microsoft Authenticator App to approve the sign in.
Microsoft 365 University
As part of the Microsoft 365 agreement with Microsoft, students and staff are allowed to install up to five copies of the latest version of Microsoft Office on their personal devices and online access.
Some software is only licenced for use on campus computers and won't be available until you have an UWE VPN connection, which you will need each time you access that software.
Anti-virus software
It is strongly recommended that you have an anti-virus software package installed, regardless of the operating system you are running on your computer.
Mobile devices normally include built-in protection.
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