Terms and conditions 2024/25
For residents who will be living in accommodation from 7 July 2024 under a new Licence Agreement for 2024/25 or a summer contract extension.
1. General
1.1 In this Agreement:
- “University” means University of the West of England, Frenchay Campus, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, BS16 1QY.
- “You” means the person named in the Offer as the Licensee.
- “Offer” means the offer of accommodation made to you by the University.
- “Room” means the room allocated to you by the University.
- “Building” means the building of which the Room forms part (and where appropriate, the grounds).
- “Contents” means any fixtures, fittings, furnishings, equipment, plant and machinery, alarm and safety systems or other items whatsoever provided by the University at the Room or the Building.
- “Licence Fee” means the amount set out in the Offer.
1.2 The University will require you to share occupation of the Building with such person or persons as the University may nominate at its absolute discretion.
1.3 The University has the right to move you to such other alternative accommodation as the University may choose. The University must first give you reasonable notice. Any offer of alternative accommodation must not be unreasonably declined or rejected.
1.4 If a vacancy occurs in the Building the University has the right to fill that vacancy without consulting you.
1.5 At your request and subject to the University’s discretion, the University may agree to move you to different accommodation. The University does not have to agree to move you and no room move will be considered during the first term. If the University does agree to move you then you must pay the University an administration charge of £20.
1.6 In consideration of the Licence Fee and of your obligations as set out below, the University grants you a non-exclusive licence to use the Room and other areas of the Building.
2. Obligations
You agree with the University: -
2.1.1 To pay the Licence Fee to the University promptly on the dates and in the manner specified in the Offer and all other sums due to the University under the terms of this Agreement.
2.1.2 To complete a direct debit or recurring card payment mandate prior to collecting the keys/key fob and to make sure that sufficient funds are held in the bank account on which it is drawn to meet the payment demands on the dates specified on the Offer. If you are unable to set up a direct debit or recurring card payment prior to your arrival you must notify the University and pay the first instalment Licence Fee payment prior to collecting keys/key fob.
2.1.3 To pay the University an Advanced Licence Fee Payment of £400 to secure your Room within 5 working days of the Offer made to you and in any event prior to moving into the Room, the University will allocate this sum against the first Licence Fee instalment.
2.1.4 To pay the reasonable costs and expenses properly incurred by the University as a result of you failing to comply with your obligations in this Agreement. You must pay the University within 14 days of being asked to do so.
2.1.5 Please note that the Licence Fee payable for the Room already includes charges for the supply of electricity, light, power and any gas supplies but the University reserves the right to make a charge in respect of all or any of those supplies in the event that the cost to the University increases above that which applied at the date the amount of the Licence Fee was set by the University. In the event that the University determines to make an additional charge pursuant to this provision it will give you written notice of it, setting out how the additional charge is calculated. You agree to pay any such additional charge on demand and in any event within 14 days of being asked to do so. The University will not be liable to you or any other person for any damage or liability caused by any interruption to services or utilities serving the Building or the Room.
2.1.6 Your obligation to pay the outlined Licence Fee applies irrespective of your course dates and irrespective of when, or if you move into the Room.
Condition of the Room Building and Contents
2.2.1 When you first move in to report to the University promptly and where reasonably possible within 5 working days if the Room, Building or any Contents are in disrepair, damaged, defective, not in good condition or lost.
2.2.2 At any time to report to the University promptly any disrepair, damage, defect or loss affecting the Room or the Building or the Contents.
Disclosing Information
2.3 To permit the University in an emergency to contact those identified by you as next of kin, emergency contact or your 'Named Person'.
2.4.1 That all visitors invited into the Room or Building by you must comply with the obligations in this Agreement (except the obligation to pay the Licence Fee) and that you must pay all reasonable costs and expenses properly incurred by the University or face disciplinary procedures as a result of any of your visitors failing to comply with the terms of this Agreement.
2.4.2 That no visitors shall be allowed to remain in the Room or Building overnight except for one adult visitor unless by prior written or verbal agreement with the Accommodation Manager. All visitors shall be 18 years of age or over and may stay overnight for a maximum of two nights in any consecutive seven nights. The online visitor form must be completed in advance of the date of the visit. You must remain with your visitor in the Room or Building. All other visitors must leave the Room and Building by 11:30pm (23.30).
2.4.3 Not knowingly to allow anyone who has been banned by the University from entering University accommodation into the Room or the Building.
2.4.4 Not to give or lend or otherwise part with possession of your UWE Bristol student ID card, security pass, access card, key or any other means of secure access to the Room or Building to anyone else (other than returning them to the University) and to comply with the University’s ‘Conditions of Use’ of your UWE Bristol student ID card in particular 1.c which states that you must produce the card upon request of University operations and security personnel.
2.5.1 To use the Room only as a dwelling and not to use the Room or Building for any profession trade or business, including but not limited to any promotional activity.
2.5.2 To use the Room and the Building and the Contents in a responsible manner. This means you must take reasonable care of the Room and Building and Contents and that you must do all those things which a reasonable and responsible occupier would normally do. You are not required to do any repairs which would put the Room or the Building in a better state of repair or decoration than at the start of this Agreement Reasonable wear and tear will not constitute a breach of this Licence Agreement.
2.5.3 Not to use the Room or Building for any illegal purpose.
2.5.4 To keep your Room and other areas of your dwelling in a reasonable condition so as to provide a safe environment for other residents, University employees and contractors inhabiting or visiting.
2.5.5 To comply with all legislation and with all regulations made by the University from time to time for the management and operation of the Building.
Storage and contents
2.6.1 Not to bring to keep or store in the Room or the Building any firearms, weapons, replica weapons, gas containers (including nitrous oxide containers) or other dangerous items including but not limited to fireworks, lithium batteries, chemicals or other similar items.
2.6.2 Not to store in the Room or the Building unreasonable amounts of rubbish and recycling and to ensure that rubbish and recycling is removed from the Room or the Building at least twice every week.
2.6.3 Not to cook in the Room and not to bring or keep in the Room any hot plate, toaster, rice cooker, microwave oven, deep-fat fryer, air fryer, kettle, coffee machine or other cooking appliance.
2.6.4 All electrical appliances brought into the Room or Building must meet safety standards for items of that type set by any Act of Parliament or any regulations made under any Act of Parliament. For all electrical appliances, even where the University gives consent, you will be responsible for ensuring the item is safe and used only in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating instructions. You must not allow anyone else to use the item. Any item the University reasonably considers to pose a fire or health and safety hazard is to be removed immediately.
2.6.5 Not to bring into the Room or Building any furniture, fittings, mattresses, washing machines, dryers, heaters, microwaves or refrigeration equipment without first obtaining the University’s prior written consent. The University will not unreasonably withhold that consent (subject to clauses 2.6.3 and 2.6.4 above).
Humidifiers are not permitted inside accommodation due to the high risk of activating the fire alarm system.
2.6.6 Not to hang clothes, flags or other articles outside the Room or Building, not to dry clothes on or near to any electrical equipment or heaters and not to place any combustible items such as beds adjacent to any electrical equipment or heaters.
2.6.7 Items banned from Room and Buildings include shopping trolleys, traffic cones, darts and dartboards.
2.6.8 Not to bring any powered transporters, such as but not limited to E-bikes, E-scooters, E-skateboards, hoverboards or associated batteries into the Room or Building.
2.6.9 Not to construct, repair or maintain any motor vehicle or bicycle inside the Room or Building.
2.6.10 Not to keep or allow to be kept any animal, bird, fish or creature in the Room or Building with the exception of registered service animals where permission has been granted prior to occupation by Accommodation Services.
Nuisance and Illegal behaviour
2.7.1 Not to do anything in the Room or the Building which is illegal or which may be or become a nuisance, disturbance, interference or annoyance to other occupiers or users of the Building or nearby property or to any other people at any time, examples of such behaviour include (but are not only) the following:
2.7.2 Not to allow or cause any music or noise which might be a nuisance or annoy other occupiers of the Building or nearby property at any time and not to allow or cause any music or noise to be audible outside the Building after 11:30pm (23:30)
2.7.3 Not to use items (whether or not the item itself is legal) such as laser pointers or strobe lighting in a way that is or may be or become a nuisance or that is or may be illegal.
2.7.4 Not to bring or have delivered to the Room or the Building or keep or use any illegal drugs including new psychoactive substances (formerly referred to as legal highs), Nitrous Oxide or any equipment or drugs paraphernalia including a shisha pipe whatsoever which may be used in connection with illegal drugs;
2.7.5 Not to bring into the Room or the Building or keep or store any food, drink or substance which is illegal in the United Kingdom or which has been brought into the United Kingdom illegally whether imported by you or anyone else in breach of United Kingdom customs rules and regulations.
If you are in breach of the above or if the University reasonably believes you to be in breach of the above, the University will act under its own disciplinary procedures including entering your Room to confiscate items such as musical equipment laser pointers or drugs and drugs paraphernalia, and the University will also notify the Police (as appropriate).
2.7.6 If you have chosen to accept alcohol-free accommodation you agree not to drink alcohol in your Room or in the communal areas of the Building. If you subsequently drink alcohol in your Room, the University will act under its own disciplinary procedures. You will be held responsible for your guests and/or visitors complying with these conditions while they are in your Room.
2.7.7 You must not be violent, abusive or act in an intimidating manner (or threaten to do so), nor harass or threaten harassment on any grounds, including but not limited to race, colour, religion or belief, political opinion, sex, sexual orientation, gender or gender reassignment, or disability to any person. The University takes allegations of any bullying or harassment of its students or members of staff very seriously. Any allegations will be investigated, and action may be taken under the Accommodation Conduct Procedures, University Bullying and Harassment Policy or Student Conduct Policy (all are available on the university website and updated from time to time). This includes comments made via social media networks.
2.7.8 To fully cooperate when approached by staff to provide proof of identification.
Posters signs and advertisements
2.8.1 Not to display, distribute or leave any advertisement, sign, flyer or notice anywhere in the Building. You may, with the prior written approval of the University’s accommodation manager, attach posters, signs and notices to the noticeboards provided by the University in the communal hallways.
2.8.2 You must not attach posters, signs or notices to the walls inside the Room, but you may use the noticeboards provided in the Room or communal area.
2.8.3 You must not display any material likely to cause offense to others in any windows of the property.
Fire safety and general safety regulations
2.9.1 Not to smoke anything (including e-cigarettes/shisha pipe/vape or similar), in the Room or anywhere in the Building other than in any smoking shelters provided in the Grounds for this purpose. Used ashtrays containing ash or cigarette butts are not permitted to be emptied out or stored in the Building.
2.9.2 Not to use any naked flames (including candles, burners or incense) anywhere in the Building, or perform any action likely to set off the smoke alarm and/or cause fire or smoke damage.
2.9.3 Not to leave any cooking amenities, including hob or oven, unattended when in use and to ensure that the hob and oven is turned off after use.
2.9.4 Not to obstruct access to the Room or the Building and to keep hallways, landings fire escapes and fire doors clear of any obstruction.
2.9.5 Not to interfere, tamper with or damage any fire, smoke and / or heat alarm, equipment or system anywhere in the room or building. This includes covering, blocking, tampering with or damaging air vents in the bathrooms. You must not to use Fire Blankets for any reason other than their proper use. Any such interference, tampering, improper use or damage is a serious breach of this agreement and the University at its absolute discretion will determine whether to end this agreement (Notice of Termination). Should you be served with a Notice of Termination you remain financially liable for the remainder of your license fee (see section 8.2).
2.9.6 To comply with any instructions issued by the University from time to time in connection with the evacuation of the Building whenever a fire alarm is activated in the Building and to evacuate the building promptly when the alarm sounds.
2.9.7 Not to leave the front door or any other fire door in the Building (or any individual flat within the Building) propped or wedged open or unlocked.
2.9.8 Not to tamper with, damage or otherwise alter or interfere with any restraints on any window.
2.9.9 To notify the Accommodation Services, promptly and in advance, if you will not be using the Room for any period of more than 6 days. This is for health and safety reasons including fire safety and water flushing which the University must do to prevent an outbreak of legionella disease.
2.9.10 To comply with any rules and regulations reasonably required by the University from time to time for the proper management or improvement of the Building and which have been notified to you in the Residents Guide or other publication.
2.9.11 Not do or omit to do anything which might vitiate any insurance in respect of the Building.
Cleaning and maintenance
2.10.1 Not to paint or make permanent cosmetic alterations including any long-lasting markings to any part of the Room or the Building.
2.10.2 You are responsible for:
- (a) cleaning the Room and en-suite shower room (where applicable) at least once a week:
- (b) regular cleaning of communal hallway and kitchen areas; and
- (c) ensuring that all refuse/recycling is disposed of responsibly in the external bins provided for this purpose as outlined in the Residents’ Guide. You must not leave any rubbish or recycling in the grounds around the halls of residence.
2.10.3 To keep the room ventilated and to keep trickle vents on the window open where these are fitted.
2.10.4 To keep all cooking appliances and equipment, whether supplied by or approved by the University, or belonging to you and which the University have given prior consent for you to have in the Building, in a reasonable and hygienic state of cleanliness.
Access and Alterations
2.11.1 To allow the University or anyone authorised by the University access at all reasonable hours of the daytime typically 08:00 – 19:00 (including but not limited to): To inspect or carry out repairs or other works to comply with any lawfully imposed obligation or requirement or to enter and view the Room or the Building with prospective occupiers and others authorised by the University or for any other purpose set out in this Agreement; and For access to those parts of the Building provided for use in common with other occupiers of the Building, such as but not exclusively communal kitchen and lounge areas: and Fortnightly health and safety walks in communal kitchens and corridors.
2.11.2 The University will normally give at least 24 hours’ notice, but immediate access is to be given at any time: In the event of an emergency which includes a medical emergency or on reasonable suspicion of imminent harm to you or any other person; or To carry out urgent inspections required by health & safety legislation; or If the University reasonably believes or suspects that you are in breach of your obligations relating to the use of the Room and/or Building under the terms of this agreement.
2.11.3 Not to make any alterations or additions to the Room or Building and in particular not to change or install any locks. Not to interfere with or make any alterations to the heating, cooking, gas, electricity, water or drainage services or installations and not to cause disconnection or obstruction of any supply of services to or from the Room or the Building.
2.11.4 Not to remove any of the Contents from the Room or Building.
Environmental Sustainability
2.11.5 To assist the University in accomplishing its goals relating to environmental sustainability as detailed in Transforming Futures Climate Action and Sustainability Strategy 2020-2030 (PDF) and to support the University’s sustainability initiatives as laid out in future notices and correspondence.
2.11.6 To be responsible in relation to the water and energy use and in the reduction and recycling of waste.
2.12 This Agreement is personal to you. You must not change rooms with any other occupier of the Building or anyone else, and must not sub-let the Room, or hand over your Licence Agreement to any other person.
Notices and Communications
2.13.1 To respond promptly to all communications from the University.
2.13.2 To attend any meeting with the Accommodation Services at a place and time and date reasonably specified by the University and notified to you by e-mail to the e-mail address provided by you.
2.14.1 To reimburse the University on demand the reasonable costs and expenses properly incurred by the University in repairing, remedying or replacing any damage breakages or loss or any cleaning required to the Room or the Building or the Contents as a result of your failure to comply with any of your obligations under this Agreement.
2.14.2 To pay to the University on demand a fair proportion of the reasonable costs and expenses properly incurred by the University in repairing or remedying any loss or damage caused to the Room or the Building or the Contents where the University is unable to identify those who have caused the loss or damage. If you believe the University has acted unreasonably in asking you to pay these amounts then you can appeal by taking the steps set out on the University’s web site. https://www.uwe.ac.uk/life/accommodation/current-students/residents-guide/making-a-complaint
2.14.3 To pay the reasonable costs and expenses properly incurred by the University in recovering any arrears of Licence Fee or other sums due from you under the terms of this Agreement and/or in remedying any failure by you to comply with the terms of this Agreement and/or any proceedings necessary to gain vacant possession of the Room except where a court decides you should not have to pay those costs. If the University gives written notice to you identifying a breach of your obligations under this Agreement then you must within 2 working days (or immediately in case of emergency or if required by law) take all steps required to remedy that breach. In case of default the University may take all steps properly required to remedy the breach notified to you, and all liability incurred by the University will be recoverable from you as a debt. The University also reserves the right to act under its own disciplinary procedures.
2.14.4 To pay interest at 4% above the base rate of National Westminster Bank plc on any Licence Fee or other sum due from you which is not paid within 7 days of the date on which the payment was due.
2.15.1 To give the University vacant possession and return all keys/key fob to the Room and the Building to the University by midday on the date of expiry or earlier termination of this Agreement.
2.15.2 To leave the door of the Room locked after vacating it.
2.15.3 To remove all personal possessions and rubbish and to leave the Room and the Building and the Contents at the end of this Agreement in the repair and condition required by the terms of this Agreement.
2.15.4 You must remove all personal possessions from the Room and Communal Areas once the Licence Period has ended. If any personal possessions or food are left in the Room or Communal Areas after the Licence Agreement has ended, the University shall remove and dispose (including donating to charity). The University shall have no liability for any loss to you in respect to any left items.
3. Use of common parts
You have the right to use all parts of the Building provided by the University for use in common with the University and the other occupiers of the Building from time to time, subject to compliance with all relevant clauses of this Agreement.
4. Car parking
4.1 If the accommodation allocated to you by the University pursuant to this Agreement is on the Frenchay Campus then as part of your terms and conditions of residency you are prohibited from parking any motor vehicle on or near Frenchay Campus at any time. The area to which this prohibition on parking applies includes all residential roads, pavements, driveways, courtyards and private parking spaces within a 2-mile radius of Frenchay Campus.
4.2 Exceptions to the above parking prohibition, and eligibility for parking permits, may be allowed by the University in cases where the student has a relevant disability or impairment under article 6 of the Equality Act 2010. The University complies with that Act and, subject to that Act, all exceptions are at the University's discretion. https://www.uwe.ac.uk/life/campus-and-facilities/car-parking/blue-badge-holders
5. Insurance
5.1 The University has arranged limited insurance cover only for items kept in the Room. For the avoidance of doubt, your personal property, including bicycles, is not covered by the insurance. The cover is limited and subject to terms and conditions, details of which can be found on our web site using this link: http://www.cover4insurance.com/uwe . You must check those terms and conditions carefully to satisfy yourself whether that cover provides you with adequate protection and where necessary arrange your own insurance cover.
5.2 The University will not be responsible for any loss or damage to your property (including any vehicle) except where the loss or damage is caused by fault on the part of the University.
6. Service of notices
6.1 The University’s address for service is Accommodation Services, University of the West of England, Frenchay Campus, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol BS16 1QY until you are notified of a different address in England and Wales.
6.2 The University may use as your address for service either your address as set out in the Offer or the address given to the University by you for your next of kin, ‘emergency contact or Named Person. The University may also choose to serve notices via email to your student email address or any personal email address that you elect to use in the course of communicating with the University.
6.3 Any notice or proceeding, which is to be served on either party to this Agreement, shall be sufficiently served if:
- (a) Sent by first class post in a letter addressed to that party at that party’s address for service as specified in 6.1 or 6.2 above; or
- (b) A letter addressed to that party is left at the address for service as specified in 6.1 or 6.2 above.
- (c) An electronic notice sent via email sent to preferred email address or accommodation@uwe.ac.uk
In the case of 6.3 (a) and 6.3 (b) above, the letter shall be deemed received 2 working days after the letter was posted.
In the case of 6.3 (b) above, the letter shall be deemed received on the same day, in the event that the letter is delivered before 4:30pm on a working day. If the letter is delivered after 4:30pm on a business day or on a bank holiday or weekend, the letter shall be deemed received on the following business day.
7. Miscellaneous
7.1 In this Agreement where the context so admits: -
7.2 Any obligation not to do an act or thing includes an obligation not to permit such act or thing
7.3 Words importing the singular shall be construed as importing the plural and vice versa
7.4 The word ‘Building’ includes the remainder of the property in which the Building is situated.
8. Ending this agreement
8.1 You have statutory protection under the Protection from Eviction Act 1977. If you are unwilling to leave the University must obtain a court order.
8.2 This Agreement may be terminated at any time by the University by four weeks’ notice in writing expiring at any time. However, if the University considers you to be in breach of any of your obligations under this Agreement, then the University, at its discretion, may give written notice terminating this Agreement with immediate effect. Termination of this Agreement will not release you from your obligation to pay the Licence Fee and any other sums due under this Agreement up to the end of the Licence Period.
8.3 The University may re-enter the Room and immediately terminate this Agreement without prejudice to the other rights and remedies of the University if the Licence Fee is unpaid 14 days after becoming due (whether formally demanded or not) and/or you are in breach of any of your obligations in this Agreement.
8.4 If at any time the University terminates this Agreement because you have not paid the Licence Fee or you are in breach of any of your other obligations under this Agreement then you must reimburse the University for loss of the Licence Fee up to the end date shown on the Offer. If (by taking reasonable steps) the University is able to find another student enrolled with and reasonably acceptable to the University who is willing to enter into a Licence Agreement in respect of the Room, then you only have to pay the Licence Fee up to the date that Licence Agreement is entered into. You must also pay the University any reasonable costs and expenses properly incurred by the University as a result of your breach
8.5 You may only terminate this Agreement before the end date shown on the Offer with the University’s prior written consent and must complete a notice letter preferably in the form of a notice letter obtainable from Accommodation Services. This consent will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed if you nominate a suitable replacement student who is enrolled with the University but not already resident in University accommodation and that student enters into a new Licence Agreement with the University. You must pay the Licence fee up to the date that new Licence Agreement is entered into. You must also pay the University any reasonable costs and expenses properly incurred by the University as a result of your request to terminate this Agreement.
8.6 If the University allows you to terminate this Agreement in any other case you must pay any reasonable costs and expenses properly incurred by the University as a result of the Agreement being terminated.
8.7 If you cease to be a registered student at the University you must immediately serve written notice on the University preferably in the form of a notice letter obtainable from Accommodation Services. You must vacate the Room no later than the end dates set out below (‘Notice End Date’) as follows:
- i) If you serve notice on the University between and including your licence start date and 23 November 2024 the Notice End Date is 21 December 2024.
- ii) If you serve notice on the University between and including 24 November 2024 and 25 January 2025 the Notice End Date is the date 28 days from and including the Saturday following the date on which notice is served (or from and including the date of service where served on a Saturday)
- iii) If you serve notice on the University between and including 26 January 2025 and 8 March 2025 the Notice End Date is 5 April 2025.
- iv) If you serve notice on the University between and including 6 April 2025 and 26 April 2025 the Notice End Date is the date 28 days from and including the Saturday following the date on which notice is served (or from and including the date of service where served on a Saturday)
- v) If you serve notice on the University on or after 27 April 2025 the Notice End Date is the licence end date as shown on the Offer.
8.8 You must pay the Licence Fee up to the Notice End Date unless (by taking reasonable steps) the University is able to find another student enrolled with and reasonably acceptable to the University who enters into a Licence Agreement with the University, in which case you must pay the Licence Fee up to the date on which that Licence Agreement is entered into. You may also nominate a replacement student (see 8.5).
8.9 Acceptance of keys/key fob by the University’s Accommodation Services before the licence end date does not relieve you of your obligations under this Agreement, including the obligation to pay the Licence Fee. However, the date you leave will be considered by the University when assessing what contribution, you should make to the reasonable costs and expenses properly incurred by the University in repairing or remedying any loss or damage caused to the Room or the Building or the Contents where the University is unable to identify those who have caused the loss or damage.
8.10 If you leave the Room, we expect you to take all belongings with you. Anything remaining will be disposed of and no compensation will be payable.
8.11 It is your responsibility to arrange a redirection of mail on termination of the Licence Agreement for any reason. The University will not forward mail delivered to your former address and if any such mail if left in post boxes or post rooms the University may dispose of it.
9. Termination and Early Release
9.0 Termination prior to occupation of the Room
You may terminate this agreement up to 14 days prior to the start date of the Licence Period if you give written notice by email or post to Student Accommodation Services (at the address/email address set out in the Accommodation Offer). Any Advance Licence Fee Payment (or part thereof) which has been paid to you will be reimbursed by the university within 28 days of the date upon the university receives your written notice.
If you have entered into this Agreement but have not registered as a student within the University within 14 days of the start date of the Licence Period, you must notify the Accommodation Office. The University has the right but not obligation to immediately cancel this Agreement and allocate the Room to another student without further reference to you. You will still be obliged to pay the advanced licence fee (and will not be entitled to any refund in respect of).
9.1 Early Release – withdrawal from study or course transfer to another institution
If you cease to be a registered student at the University you must immediately serve written notice on the University preferably in the form of a notice letter obtainable from Accommodation Services. You may only terminate this Agreement before the end date shown on the Offer with the University’s prior consent.
Licence Agreement liability dates are detailed in 8.7.
You must vacate the Room within 28 days of your written notice being received by Accommodation Services.
9.2 Suspension from study
If you are suspended from your study or campus of study because of experienced serious but temporary circumstances which have impaired your learning. You or the University must immediately serve written notice on the University preferably in the form of a notice letter obtainable from Accommodation Services.
Licence Agreement liability dates are detailed in 8.7.
In the event you are unable to service notice, the University may terminate this Agreement by 28 days’ notice in writing.
Termination of this Agreement will not release you from your obligation to pay the Licence Fee and any other sums due under this Agreement up to the end of the Licence Period. However, under section 8.8 only you may submit additional evidence to request an Exceptional Circumstance Licence Agreement Charge Waiver Appeal. This Appeal must have been received by the Accommodation Service in writing within 28 days of the Notice Date. Two members of the Accommodation Service Executive will hear this appeal, and you will receive written notification of the outcome of the appeal within 14 days.
9.3 Other early release
You may only terminate this Agreement before the end date shown on the Offer with the University’s prior written consent and must complete a notice letter preferably in the form of a notice letter obtainable from Accommodation Services. This consent will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed if all of the following conditions are met:
This consent will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed if all the following conditions are met:
- (i) You find another student to take occupation of the Room who is enrolled with the University but not already resident in University accommodation, and who signs a Licence Agreement for the Room for the remainder of the Licence Period; and
- (ii) written permission with confirmation of the End Date us given by Student Accommodation Services to terminate this Agreement; and
- (iii) you have paid the Licence fee up to the date of early termination (on a pro rata basis) and settled in full any other fees and charges on your account relating to your room.
If all of these conditions are met, the Agreement will end upon the earlier of the replacement occupier moving into the room, or the End Date. If the Agreement is terminated under this clause and provided that you vacate the Room and all Communal Areas by the End Date confirmed by the Accommodation Services, the university will refund you any sums already paid in advance in respect of the Licence Fee which corresponds to the period in with the Room is occupied by such other student.
9.4 Administration fees
The University reserves the right to charge administration fees in the circumstances described in clauses 9.0 through 9.3. You will be charged £50 towards losses incurred by the University as a result of the cancellation of the Agreement and the remainder of any Advance Licence Fee Payment (or any other part of the Licence Fee) which has been paid by you will be reimbursed by the University.
Summer-period Licence Agreements
9.5 Where this Agreement is for the summer period that falls outside of the University’s term dates, the University will not consent to any early release of this Agreement, and you will be liable for the full Licence period.
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