What is MyAttendance and why do we use it

The MyAttendance system will ensure that students have a means to provide a record of their attendance. The attendance information will be added to MyEngagement. This will provide a fuller picture of your engagement with your course and will allow us to offer support, if needed, in a confidential and timely manner.

For teaching activities where you record attendance, you will be given a unique six-digit code by the staff member delivering the session.

We recommend that you download the app as it's the easiest, most convenient way to record your attendance but MyAttendance is also available online.

Your privacy

The University is only gathering attendance information for the academic events that you are timetabled to attend. Your location and attendance at non-academic events around campus won't be recorded through MyAttendance.

Installing the app

Download the UWE Bristol MyAttendance app via the Google Play or Apple stores.

Download for Android

Download for iPhone

App log in

  1. Once the app has downloaded, open and select the Student/Staff profile from the options listed:
    MyAttendence log in step 1
  2. Enter your UWE Bristol username and password:
    MyAttendence log in username and password
  3. This will load the UWE Bristol MyAttendance homepage.
  4. The homepage has two tiles. One has your timetable and the other tile enables you to check in to teaching events. This is how you will record your attendance:

    Timetable and teaching icons in MyAttendence app


Use the timetable icon to view your timetable:

You can view your timetable for the whole year by scrolling across the weeks.

Clicking on specific events will give you the option to email the lecturer or add the event to your phone calendar.

Your timetable will check for the most up-to-date information whenever it is connected to the internet or when you pull down on the weekly view to refresh:

The bottom of the screen will tell you when it was last updated.

Check in

  1. To record your attendance at a teaching event you will need to tap on the tick box tile:

    You will only be able to enter the six-digit code during the teaching session
    ; you will not be able to enter it at any other time. This means, for example, that if your timetable states that your lecture will start at 9:00 and finish at 10:00, you will only be able to enter the six-digit code from 9:00 until 10:00, after 10:00 the check-in function will be closed.
  2. Tap on the check-in box to enter the six-digit code (which will be provided by your lecturer):
  3. Once you have entered the correct code the submit box will go bright green and you can tap on it to confirm your attendance:
  4. You will know your attendance has been recorded when the tick image is displayed:

Further information

  • There is no need to check out. The check-in will automatically close at the time the timetabled session is due to end.
  • You will only be able to enter the six-digit code for teaching events that are on your timetable. If you attend an event not on your timetable, then your attendance will not be recorded.
  • If you are not able to attend a timetabled session, then you will show as having been absent for that session.
  • The MyAttendance timetable will show all timetabled events, the check in view will only show events where check in is required.
  • You will only need to check in for certain activity types, during which you will be given the six-digit code.

Access problems

If you can't access the internet

If you don't have access to the internet, you will still be able to enter the six-digit code in to the MyAttendance app. The app will then save this information and update your attendance record when it is next able to connect to the internet. Until the check-in has pushed through, the session will state ‘Checked-In Offline’.

If you can't access the app

You can also check-in via MyAttendance online: myattendance.uwe.ac.uk.

If you are not able to log in via myattendance.uwe.ac.uk and there is no way for you to enter the code yourself, then you may request a manual check-in from your lecturer during the teaching session.

Further assistance

If you need further assistance, please email the IT Service Desk at itonline@uwe.ac.uk. Please provide your student number and details of the help you need.

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