Postgraduate research Graduation Ceremonies
Requirements for attendance
The University holds two Graduation Ceremonies per year in July and November. If it is likely that you may be eligible to attend the next ceremony, you may receive an invitation. However, before you can attend a Graduation Ceremony, you must have:
- had the outcome of your viva voce confirmed by an Examining Board.
- had any amendments approved by the relevant examiners.
- emailed the final version of your thesis to the UWE Bristol Research Repository once you have been notified to do so.
- had your thesis made live on the UWE Bristol Research Repository.
- submitted a completed RD15 to the Doctoral Academy (
The Examining Board will then consider approving the completion of the award. Before an award can be granted, you are required to fulfil all requirements of the Academic Regulations.
- If your award has been confirmed at or before 1 July in the year of the ceremony, you may be eligible to attend the July (or a later) ceremony.
- If your award has been confirmed at or before 1 November in the year of the ceremony, you may be eligible to attend a November (or a later) ceremony.
If you choose to attend a ceremony, you will be required to submit the relevant synopsis information. You will receive further details closer to the ceremony.
Register for a Graduation Ceremony
Our guide to Graduation Ceremonies includes information on when you will be sent an invitation, registration, robe hire and how to request a letter supporting a visa application.
Graduation ceremonies
Synopsis of research
The synopsis is only required if you are attending a Graduation Ceremony. You should agree the wording with your Director of Studies before submitting it as instructed by the deadline detailed above. Your full synopsis will consist of:
- your full name
- your degree to be awarded eg, Doctor of Philosophy, Professional Doctorate in..., Master of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy by Publication, Master of Philosophy by Publication
- the thesis title of your research to be read at the Graduation Ceremony
- a maximum of a 50-word synopsis about the research for inclusion in the Graduation Ceremony programme.
You are strongly advised not to book any travel to a Graduation Ceremony until the award has been made by the Award Board. You cannot graduate at a Graduation Ceremony without the approval of an Award Board.
Members of staff
UWE Bristol staff with permanent contracts undertaking a research degree must register to attend through the standard invitation email. This applies even if you they have registered to attend a ceremony as a staff member. You should also contact to arrange robe hire. All other information above still stands.
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Contact the Doctoral Academy
Ways to contact the Doctoral Academy, from postgraduate research support to submitting your thesis.

Current postgraduate researchers
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