Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environments (SPE)
The Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environments (SPE) aims to develop an understanding of how to achieve healthy, resilient, sustainable and smart places, in the context of climate and ecological emergencies.
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Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environments blog
By Sarai Bermejo De Andres I am a final year student of the BSc in Environmental Management at the University of the West of England. I have a keen interest in sustainable practices and love learning new things, particularly in environmental science and policy. Recently, I completed the Practising Waste Management module, which provided valuable … Continue reading "Waste Management in Action at UWE"
Waste Management in Action at UWE
by Carla De Laurentis On the 29th May 2024, I was invited to Cork to present a recently published research paper at the Second Wind Value Conference on End of Life Issues for Wind Farms, that took place in the Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork (Ireland). This research funded by the RGS-IBG investigated the … Continue reading "End of life of wind infrastructure: what factors influence decision making?"
End of life of wind infrastructure: what factors influence decision making?
by Hannah Hickman ‘There is very little pre-existing research on project implementation and the impact that a planning consent has on this stage. Our research fills an important knowledge gap and is not only of significance to the planning profession, but to those in Government currently focused on the infrastructure planning reform process, and to … Continue reading "Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects – the value in understanding implementation"
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects – the value in understanding implementation
by Mark Drane (LinkedIn; Instagram) Reflections on a part-time PhD undertaken alongside healthy urbanism practice and during a global pandemic. …the street remains a social space like no other. Even in the context of divided and segregated cities, gated communities and ‘privatopias’, streets continue to provide spaces for public congregation, encounter and community making (Hubbard and … Continue reading "Designing for Health: Healthy Streetlife"
Designing for Health: Healthy Streetlife
Welcome to our new SPE Research Centre Members who have joined UWE in the past year. We continue to grow as a research centre in capacity and outstanding research endeavours. We are very pleased to welcome our new members as they take on and excel in their different roles. Reem Elnady I am a passionate … Continue reading "Welcome to our new SPE Research Centre Members"
Welcome to our new SPE Research Centre Members
by FateN Mostafa Hatem The relationship between art and science is closer than we used to think especially in the context of the built environment. In my recent article “The role of art in smart cities research and making”, I explain how art could play an important role not only in shaping the experience of … Continue reading "Bringing Art Closer to Science: Re-designing and changing smart cities from a focus on digital and basic services to experience and liveability"
Bringing Art Closer to Science: Re-designing and changing smart cities from a focus on digital and basic services to experience and liveability
by Amanda Ramsay One in four UK homes is estimated to currently be at risk of flooding, with an average of £60,000 worth of damage inflicted per home when floods hit hardest. I learned this while contributing to a parliamentary roundtable this summer, hosted by Shadow Minister for Flooding, Oceans and Coastal Communities Emma Hardy … Continue reading "Reflections on the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act"
Reflections on the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act
by Yarden Woolf A few weeks ago, I arrived in Stockholm for the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) World Congress. This was both my first time in Sweden and my first international conference, as well as the first time I would be presenting my research to professionals and academics from outside of the UK. … Continue reading "Lessons from Stockholm – a landscape architect and PhD student’s impressions"
Lessons from Stockholm – a landscape architect and PhD student’s impressions
Research Centres and Groups
Browse UWE Bristol's portfolio of research areas, expertise, staff and publications.
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The Bristol Planning Law and Policy Conference
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