
Did you know that over half of girls globally don't have high body esteem and when they have low body esteem, eight out of ten girls opt out of important daily activities?

At Dove, we have a vision of a world where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety. Our social mission is to ensure the next generation grows up enjoying a positive relationship with the way they look - helping girls to raise their self-esteem and realise their full potential. In 2004, we turned this commitment into the Dove Self-Esteem Project (DSEP) and to date we've reached over 100 million young people in 153 countries all over the world.

Together with leading experts from fields including psychology, health, and body image, we've created a programme of world-class resources scientifically proven to significantly develop and increase body confidence and self-esteem in young people. We're now the largest provider of self-esteem education in the world.

Our resources are designed to help parents, teachers, mentors, as well as youth workers, to engage and support children and young people on issues relating to self-esteem and body confidence. Free to download and use, our materials range from articles, action-plans and conversation starters, to activities, videos and workshop materials.

We’re honoured to be a part of and to sponsor Appearance Matters 10. This international multidisciplinary conference highlights current research around appearance-related anxieties, body image, visible difference, appearance-altering surgery, disordered eating, social justice, the influence of the media and culture, interventions, innovative research methods, provision of care, and education.

Please visit us on our exhibition stand. We're looking forward to sharing our latest programmatic learnings, some of the most recent research Dove has collected, and ask you to celebrate our 20th year anniversary of DSEP as we share new content with you. This continued innovation reinforces our pledge to meet Dove's Brand Vision and Social Mission. We look forward to working together with you and aim to contribute to the larger body of evidence on interventions that promote body confidence.

At the conference, our team and partners will have the opportunity to learn from everyone's experience and most importantly connect with like-minded practitioners and academics as we all intend to make an overall positive difference in the world.

Dove Self-Esteem Project (DSEP)

Visit the DSEP website for more information. You will also be able to download the tools available.

Learn about DSEP
Image of 4 young girls with different ethnicities, moving from left to right: Black, Chinese, Brown and White.

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