What you need to do

  1. Step 1

    To access your personal data held by the University, you must complete a Data protection subject access request form.

  2. Step 2

    Send it to the Data Protection Officer by email to dataprotection@uwe.ac.uk.

    Alternatively, you can post it to:

    Data Protection Officer
    Frenchay Campus
    Coldharbour Lane
    Bristol, BS16 1QY
  3. Step 3

    The University will respond to your request within the requisite legislative time scale.

    We will still offer you the opportunity to meet with one of our team to discuss your notes before we hand over copies of your records.

Client confidentiality

Client confidentiality

The UWE Bristol Wellbeing Service is confidential. We will not reveal anything about you, your attendance, or discussions in appointments, with anyone without your explicit permission.

We work in accordance with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) guidelines and the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018 to protect your privacy. Find out more about your rights.

Your Wellbeing Practitioner will keep notes on all of the sessions that you attend and any contact they have with you or other services. This information will be stored securely by the Wellbeing Service and will not be shared unless we have explicit consent to do so.

Exceptional circumstances

It is only in exceptional circumstances, when we are sufficiently concerned that there is a serious risk to yourself, or others, when we may need to consult people outside of the service – such as your GP or other health practitioners in line with data protection guidelines.

Permission to contact others supporting you

Once you are receiving support from us, it may be helpful for your practitioner to be in touch with others who support you.

To do this, we will ask you to sign a consent form to enable us to share information.

You can discuss this during your appointment or include it in the wellbeing registration form final comments box.

Privacy statement

As part of the registration to the Wellbeing Service, you will be asked to read and agree to our privacy statement. This statement outlines how we will store data and the measures we will take to protect your privacy. You have the right to see all records that are kept about you.

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