Supporting, supervising and assessing students in practice 

Student supervision and assessment in practice transitional arrangements.

Staff without Practice Educator preparation

If you are a member of staff who has not done any previous preparation for supervision, assessment or mentorship, the supporting students in practice package will prepare you to undertake the role of practice supervisor and/or practice assessor.

This course, also known by the course code UZYKFP-0-3, replaces the AHP Practice Learning and Student Support, and Nursing Facilitated Learning and Assessment in Practice (FLAP).

Please contact your programme practice learning leads for any additional programme guidance for your professional standards regulatory body and see the specific programme guidance sections of PSNET.

Registrants with Practice Educator preparation

Annual update

All staff supporting, supervising and/or assessing students in practice should attend an annual update:

Recorded workshops

All staff who have previously completed mentorship preparation courses/modules should complete a transitional update using the recorded workshop.

Nursing: Please use this the practice educator annual update (pptx) to aid your transition to the new roles and view a presentation giving an overview of the Future Nurse Practice Assessment Documentation (PAD).

Midwifery: Please use the standards for student supervision and assessment (SSSA) transition and preparation handbook (DOC) and practice educator annual update (PPTX) (large file size of 9.5 MB).


Become familiar with SSSA and refresh your knowledge of supervising and assessing students in practice with the SWAY package:

Staff can evidence completion or attendance by completing the practice supervisor/assessor declaration form (DOC). Please send this as evidence to your education lead for your area of practice. In the absence of an education lead, please make your manager aware.

New standards for student supervision and assessment (SSSA)

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has introduced new standards for student supervision and assessment (SSSA) (NMC, 2018) which replace the previous standards to support learning and assessment in practice – SLAiP (NMC, 2008).

The SSSA (NMC 2018) is applicable to all new and existing nursing associate, graduate nursing and midwifery programmes.

CLIP – Collaborative Learning in Placement

Programme pages

You can find out more about our Nursing and Midwifery programme pages. 

You can find out more about practice assessment documentation on the  the Future Nurse programme pages.


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