Sci Comm South West Conference 21 June 2019
The Sci Comm South West conference offers an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of the region's expertise and reflect on the challenges we face.
The conference
The South West is a hub for science communication, with a wide range of organisations contributing to the sector. The first ever Sci Comm South West conference offered an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of this expertise and reflect on the challenges we face. The conference focused on what we, as a collective, do to foster a brighter future for the research and practice of science communication… and for society amid a backdrop of unparalleled social, political and environmental change. And how our regional hub fits within the global picture of science communication, and local, on-the-ground action.
After a warm welcome from Professor Olena Doran, the key note speaker, Dr Carla Almeida offered insights into the challenges of communicating science and health related issues in the Favela surrounding the Museum of Life in Rio De Janeiro, her home city in Brazil. She spoke passionately of how the Museum is reaching out to the local community, training students from the local area as science communicators and raising their aspirations.
To find out more about the fantastic speakers and workshops at the 2019 conference you can download the programme (PDF). Over the coming weeks we will also be sharing articles on our blog about the event and video content from various sessions.
Thank you to all the speakers and delegates, the conference was a great success and we are already being asked when we will host the next one! Watch this space at @SciCommsUWE #scicommsw21
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