Evaluation of programme of site specific advice on travel plans for schools and other organisations

Project details

Full project title: Evaluation of programme of site specific advice on travel plans for schools and other organisations

Sponsors: Department for Transport

Project Coordinator: Dr Stephen Potter, Open University (Applicant)

UWE Bristol investigator: Professor Graham Parkhurst (Co-applicant)

Collaborators at other institutions: Dr Sally Cairns, University College London; Dr Marcus Enoch, Loughborough University; Dr Ben Lane, Open University; Dr Barry Ubbels, Free University, Amsterdam

Start date: October 2002

Finish date: December 2003

Project summary

In recent years institution-based Travel Plans have been promoted as a measure to be adopted voluntarily. However Travel Plans have also been required of government sites and are increasingly expected of public sector organisations. Local authorities are required to promote Travel Plans in Local Transport Plans and employers are frequently finding a Travel Plan to be a condition of planning consent. The Site Specific Advice (SSA) programme financed by the Department for Transport funded consultants to spend relatively short periods of time advising public and private sector organisations in order to maximise the uptake of and benefits derived from Travel Plans.

The SSA Evaluation study has the objectives to assess:

  • The motivations and expectations of the organisations seeking advice
  • The impact of the advice offered in terms of practical solutions and evidence of changes in travel behaviour that might otherwise not have been achieved
  • Scope and quality of the advice given, including perceptions of usefulness from those receiving the advice
  • The management of the scheme, including the extent to which any recommendations for change made in the evaluation of the pilot schemes have been met
  • How the scheme might be improved
  • Overall value for money of the scheme
  • The experience of other countries in providing and evaluating programmes of practical advice to support organisations developing Travel Plans

The methodology consists of selecting around 35 examples of SSA projects, to include a national cross-section, for detailed case-study. Data collection includes desk-study of reports from the advisors and any travel plan documentation available, combined with face-to-face and telephone interviews with advisors and advisees. Analysis will consider the effectiveness of the advice both within cases (over time) and between cases.