We want to spread knowledge about the psychology of appearance, what we do at the Centre, and how people can access support.

Appearance Matters: The Podcast

Appearance Matters: The Podcast is all about appearance, featuring exclusive interviews with experts in the field. Hosted by Dr Nadia Craddock and Dr Jade Parnell, the podcast is rated five stars by iTunes, and is featured in iTunes 'New and Noteworthy' and 'What's Hot' categories for Higher Education.

Listen to our podcast
Logo of the Appearance Matters: The Podcast with Nadia and Jane.

Appearance Matters: The Podcast transcripts

Transcripts of the podcast episodes are now available to request. These are being updated on a regular basis. If there is a specific episode transcript you would like to access, please contact us (car@uwe.ac.uk). Thank you for your interest in Appearance Matters: The Podcast!

Appearance Diversity Guide for teachers

View the support guide for school staff promoting acceptance of appearance diversity (PDF) developed in collaboration with Face Equality International.

Sources of support

We have compiled a list of organisations who provide support for people with appearance concerns. View our sources of support.

Self-management guidance

Body functionality

Body functionality relates to all of the things that our bodies can do. Research has shown that focusing on what our bodies do for us, rather than how they look, can make us feel better about ourselves. Watch the short Body Functionality video to find out more. For individuals who have any form of visible difference, you can download and use a specially tailored version of the Body Functionality writing booklet, Expanding Your Horizon: More Than My Appearance (PDF).

Healthtalk burns

Healthtalk burns is a free to access online resource to support people affected by burn injuries.  It features over 180 video clips, showcasing real-life stories of people who have been affected by burn injuries. 

In creating this website, we conducted in-depth interviews with a total of 36 including people who sustained a burn injury as a child or an adult, young people who have had a burn injury and parents of children with burns. Their burns vary in size, severity and location, and they have had a range of treatments and post-burn experiences. These interviews capture unique perspectives, challenges, and triumphs, making the platform rich with diverse narratives.

Serving personnel and veterans with appearance-altering injuries

Through our SCAR Free Foundation-funded work to understand the support needs of those affected by appearance-altering injuries sustained during military operations and training, we have developed guidance materials. These include a Guide for health professionals (PDF) to support affected individuals and a Guide for affected individuals (PDF) in managing others and difficult situations.


Board game: ‘Everybody’s Different: The Appearance Game’

‘Everybody’s Different: The Appearance Game’ is an educational board game for children aged 9 to 11 years. The game includes questions and discussion-based activities which aim to teach children about a number of appearance-related issues. The video explains more about the game, including how it was developed, and the findings of a study that was carried out by CAR to test whether it helped children learn more about appearance-related issues. Watch the Everybody's Different video and view the infographic (PDF) to learn more about the research behind this board game.

Mindful eating mini-meditation

Mindful eating is the practice of paying attention and involving all our senses in the present moment with our food. Eating mindfully can help us connect better with our feelings of hunger and fullness, as well as the simple joy of eating. We invite you to try this brief mini-meditation before eating, which only takes a few minutes.

Media resources

Take a minute to find out about us and the work that takes place at the Centre for Appearance Research.

We have recent experience of working with the following media:

  • BBC
  • Channel 4
  • ITV
  • BBC Radio 4
  • Local radio
  • Marie Claire magazine
  • Elle Magazine
  • The Times
  • The Guardian
  • The Telegraph
  • The Daily Mail

Please contact us if you want work with us.

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