School of Social Sciences Student Conference and Degree Show

Key Information:

Date and time
Fri 24 May 2024
09:15 - 17:00
Enterprise Park, EP1 Lecture Theatre, Frenchay Campus, Further info
Professor Peter Clegg
Booking not required
See all events


This event has now passed.


The conference will showcase our best student work. The day-long event will highlight the work our students have produced across dissertations, live briefs and placements, plus there will be a gallery of poster presentations.

The conference will feature the work, interests, and impact of the School of Social Sciences through its students. It will give students the opportunity to present their work in a public setting, bringing together students, alumni and external partners, and promoting the importance of Social Sciences more generally.

Photography will take place during this event. If you are attending and do not want to be photographed, please do let a member of the organising committee know. 

Registration is not required for this event. Staff and students are welcome to pop in throughout the day. 





Panel one: Emotion and appearance

  1. Luke Grasso (Psychology) – The role of personality in both happy and sad music’s ability to induce mood and emotion
  2. T. R. Williamson, Sonia Mariotti, and Hajira Mumtaz (Psychology) – The State of Affairs in Neurosurgical Language Testing
  3. Kieran Moulton (Psychology/CAR) – ‘It’s all person specific’ decorative tattooist’s understanding and engagement of tattooing to camouflage and/or decorate scarring
  4. Dean-Luke Kearle, Hannah Stoddern, Lewys Wigmore (Psychology), with Xuli Wang (Research Associate, Centre for Machine Vision) – Eye movements and cognitive performance on a Gamified version of the Simon Task
  5. Abbi Mathews (Psychology/CAR) – Can social media reduce stigma towards people with visible differences?




Panel two: Crime and violence

  1. Toya Chavez Heredia (Politics & International Relations) – To what extent is the use of violence against irregular migrants morally justified?
  2. Poppy Wooddissee (Politics & International Relations) – Does the Ticking Time Bomb show that torture can be justified? (With reference to the arguments of Alhoff and Wisnewski)
  3. Dylan Hughes (Criminology) – The effect of peer influence on young offenders and re-offending
  4. Emma Badger (Criminology with Law) – How effectively do forensic experts communicate complex linguistic concepts to jurors, and how does this impact the jurors' ability to consider and weigh the evidence?


Short break


Panel three: Insights into technology

  1. Honor Fulton (Philosophy) – How do new technologies impact ethical conceptions of pornography?
  2. Henry Scott (Policing) – A Help or Hinderance: Does Live Facial Recognition (LFR) have a place in modern day policing?
  3. Louis Jones (Philosophy) – The Human Condition in the Epoch of Absence: Artificial Thought and Thoughtful Action
  4. Daisy Everton-Whittard (Sociology) – Exploring UWE female student and staff attitudes to the use of generative AI in assessment: a comparative study




Panel four: Health and society

  1. Caitlin Hayton (Health Psychology) – Understanding the model of Social Prescribing through interviewing Link Workers
  2. Nicole Skidmore (Psychology) – Joyful Utopias: Non-Binary Representation in Fanfiction
  3. Ethan Elgar (Philosophy) – The Application of Philosophy In a Contemporary Context
  4. Imogen Campbell (Sociology) – “Just deal with it”: Young Women’s Experiences of NHS Menstrual Health Care


Short break


Panel five: Aspects of community

  1. Manpreet Dhuffar-Pottiwal (Counselling Psychology) – Multigenerational cohabitation - Economic necessity or a cultural obligation?
  2. Susan Cooper (Business Psychology) – Exploring Decision-Making and Expertise in UK Charity Boards - a qualitative study
  3. Mahira Budhraja (Health Psychology) – “Change Needs to Start at Home”: A Thematic Analysis of Girl Athletes’ and Coaches’ Experiences of Body Image in New Delhi, India
  4. Ross Clatworthy (Psychology) – The Mediatory Role of Sense of Belonging Between Community Participation and psychological wellbeing in students
  5. Marina Ulanova (Counselling Psychology) – A retrospective evaluation of depression outcomes following Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing versus Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in a UK primary care psychological service


Reception and prizes


Enterprise Park, EP1 Lecture Theatre
Frenchay Campus
Coldharbour Lane
BS16 1QY

Frenchay Campus map

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