Education and Childhood databases
Australian Education Index
- Australia's largest source of education information and indexes journal articles, books, conference papers, reports, and theses in the fields of educational research, policy and practice.
- Relevant to a wide range of people interested in education.
- Provides article citations and abstracts, not full text.
Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies
- Offers systematic coverage of education systems, policies, and childhood experience in different countries around the world.
- Includes over 80 e-books on comparative and international education, peer and country overview articles, policy reports and reference series.
- Included in the main library search.
Box of Broadcasts (BoB)
- Off-air recording and media archive service.
- NOT included in the main library search.
British Education Index
- Covers research, policy, and practice in education and training in the UK, with particular strengths in evaluation and assessment, technology, and SEN.
- Sources include journal articles, books, reports, series, and conference papers.
- This indexing database provides article citations and abstracts, not full text.
- NOT included in the main library search.
British Humanities Index
- An international abstracting and indexing tool for research in the humanities and arts.
- This indexing database provides article citations and abstracts, not full text.
Business Source Ultimate
- UK and international business, management and economics issues across a range of sectors including construction, IT, education, and health.
- Included in the main library search.
Cambridge Journals Online
- Cambridge Journals Digital Archive contains the full text from 170 journals, from volume 1, issue 1 to 1996.
- Included in the main library search.
Child Development and Adolescent Studies
- Indexes current and historical literature related to the growth and development of children up to the age of 21.
DERA (Digital Education Resource Archive)
- The Institute of Education UK Digital Education Repository Archive is a digital archive of all documents published electronically by government and related bodies in the area of education.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Education Abstracts
- Subject areas include adult education, government funding, higher education, teacher evaluation and more.
Education Policy and Research Service (formerly Education Document Summary Service)
- Key research, policy and influential developments in the world of education.
- Includes publications from DfE, Ofsted, Ofqual, UCAS, NfER, EPI and more
- NOT included in the main library search.
Education Research Complete
- Covers all levels of education, from early childhood to higher education, as well as policy, administration, funding, and related social issues.
- More than 85% of journals are included in the main library search.
Educational Administration Abstracts
- Bibliographic records covering areas related to educational administration, including leadership, management, and research.
Educational Research eBooks Online 2018
- Covers topics from Language Education to Education Policy & Politics.
- NOT included in the main library search.
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center), via EBSCO
- The world's largest education database, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education.
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center), via ProQuest
- This database is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education to provide extensive access to education-related literature.
Faculti Media Education Collection
- Offers short, engaging, cutting-edge video and audio media to support undergraduate, postgraduate and professional education course delivery.
- Allows you to embed the latest course-mapped research interviews into lecture notes, study guides and reading lists.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- UWE Bristol subscribes to the JSTOR multidisciplinary Arts and Sciences Collections I,II,III,V,VII, VIII and XIV.
- A scholarly archive of over 1,000 full-text electronic journals.
- Access to over 18,000 films, including major blockbusters, documentaries and the Criterion collection.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Full text database including UK national and regional newspapers, and worldwide newspapers and magazines.
- Includes access to the Financial Times.
- Also includes full-text information covering companies, industries, market surveys, countries, and people.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- A searchable index of policy documents, guidelines, think tank publications and working papers.
- NOT included in the main library search.
ProQuest Education Journals
- Top educational publications, including literature on primary, secondary, higher education and home schooling.
- Many titles are indexed in the ERIC database
- Included in the main library search.
PsycInfo (APA PsycInfo)
- Comprehensive international bibliographic database of psychology.
- Material from more than 2,450 periodicals from more than 49 countries.
- Includes nursing, psychology, medicine, sociology, pharmacology, physiology and linguistics.
Research into Higher Education Abstracts
- This database indexes more than 250 research journals in the field of higher education.
- It is international in focus, with an emphasis on British and Commonwealth countries.
SAGE Research Methods
- A web-based research methods tool created to help researchers, staff and students with their research projects.
- SRM focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, so can be used by researchers from the social sciences, health sciences and more.
- Included in the main library search.
- The largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
- Fields of research include science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
- Included in the main library search.
Siren Films
- Educational child development videos and training resources for early years professionals and academics.
- The video clips focus on providing up to date theoretical information about how children learn and develop.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Social Policy and Practice
- Social Policy and Practice brings together data from five databases covering Behavioural & Social Sciences, Social Work and Public Health.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Sociological Abstracts
- Indexes journal articles and conference proceedings from over 1,500 journals in the field of sociology and related disciplines.
Taylor & Francis
- Provides access to over 2,500 full-text journals published by Taylor & Francis, Routledge, Psychology Press and Informa Healthcare.
- Included in the main library search.
Taylor & Francis eBook Collection
- Provides access to over 400 eBooks published by the Taylor & Francis publishing group.
- Included in the main library search.
Teachers TV
- Acclaimed website created by the UK Department of Education providing instructional videos using actual classroom footage.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Tes, formerly known as the Times Educational Supplement, is a weekly UK publication aimed at education professionals
- Tes supports the world’s teachers by helping educators find the tools and technology they need, supporting them throughout their career and professional development.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Times Higher Education (THE)
- A leading source of sector intelligence, news and analysis for global higher education and studying in the UK and abroad.
- Content includes digital editions of Times Higher Education, news, opinion, features, jobs, events and university rankings.
- NOT included in the main library search.
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Education and Childhood resources
Information for students studying education and childhood.