The Geosciences research theme brings together natural sciences perspectives on key sustainability and resilience challenges relating to river and coasts, rock weathering and stone heritage, hydrogeology, sedimentology and volcanism. The group can broadly be divided into two themes:

  • Earth surface processes and development
  • Long-term environmental change and subsurface processes.

These two themes encompass a wide range of research interests and projects and, while defined as two separate themes, interact closely with one another.

Earth surface processes and development

This theme investigates the relatively short-term geomorphological and geological processes that shape our landscapes, such as surface hydrology, rock mechanics and landscape formation, and critical zone research.

Long-term environmental change and subsurface processes

This theme uses reconstructive and modelling approaches to map and understand the long-term alterations that have shaped the landscapes around us. This includes, but is not limited to, hydrogeological research, meteorology, isotope analysis as well as sedimentation and diatom research.

The College of Arts, Technology and Environment (CATE) supports a wide range of laboratory experimental studies, as well as computer modelling and field-based research.


Earth surface processes and development

Long-term environmental change and subsurface processes

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