Women's History Month book giveaway: The Personal Librarian

by Marie Benedict & Victoria Christopher Murray

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Key Information:

Date and time
Fri 15 March 2024
All UWE Bristol libraries, Further info
UWE Bristol Library librarycomms@uwe.ac.uk
Booking not required


This event has now passed.


In March, UWE Bristol Library is hosting Women's History Month book giveaways, to raise awareness about women's history and personal experiences.

We’ll be hiding the giveaway books around our campuses, and we’ll be posting location clues on our Instagram Stories @uwelibrary. If you find a book, it’s yours to keep.

This giveaway features The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict & Victoria Christopher Murray.

Book bio:

"Based on a true story, The Personal Librarian imagines the life of Belle da Costa Greene, the manager of famous American financier J.P. Morgan’s personal library. As Belle finds success in New York society, and in the art world, she must also juggle a secret – that she has been hiding her Black heritage and passing for white."


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