OfS Scholarships for MSc Data Science

Eligible for new applicants onto the MSc Data Science course from underrepresented groups.

About the bursary

These scholarships are funded by the Office for Students and are intended to increase the proportions of traditionally underrepresented groups in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI). They are worth £10k per successful applicant and are to be used for course fees and equipment.

Eligibility and how to apply

Applicants need to meet the eligibility criteria for a UK Master’s Loan. Importantly, you are probably only eligible to apply if:

  • you’re a UK national or Irish citizen or have settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme or indefinite leave to remain so there are no restrictions on how long you can stay
  • you’ve been living in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man for 3 years in a row before the first day of the first academic year of your course (apart from temporary absences such as holidays).

Scholarships will be prioritised for black, female and disabled students. Additional availability may extend to:

  • Students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. To measure lower socioeconomic backgrounds we refer to the indices of deprivation – students within deciles 1-4 meet this criterion 
  • Care experienced students
  • Estranged students
  • Gypsy, Roma, Traveller students
  • Refugees
  • Children from military families, veterans and partners of military personnel

Applicants first need to have completed an application to the MSc Data Science course and obtained a UWE Bristol Welcome ID.

Please email the course leader Paul Matthews on paul2.matthews@uwe.ac.uk if you have questions about your suitability for the degree.

Apply online for scholarships covering September 2024 entry

Applications will close on Friday 16 August 2024 at 17:00 BST.