Engineering (Aerospace, Automotive, Electronic, Mechanical, Robotics) databases
- Open access to 700,931 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance, and Statistics.
- Included in the main library search.
Box of Broadcasts (BoB)
- Off-air recording and media archive service.
- NOT included in the main library search.
BSOL (British Standards Online)
- The British Standards Institute's flagship database of standards.
- Included in the main library search.
Business Source Ultimate
- UK and international business, management and economics issues across a range of sectors including construction, IT, education, and health.
- Included in the main library search.
Cambridge Journals Online
- Cambridge Journals Digital Archive contains the full text from 170 journals, from volume 1, issue 1 to 1996.
- Included in the main library search.
- A full-text collection of product catalogues providing data on components and equipment for electronic engineers.
- NOT included in the main library search.
IEEE Xplore
- IEL includes full-text access for: IEEE journals and conference proceedings, IEE journals and conference proceedings, IEEE standards and over 400 Wiley-IEEE e-books.
- Included in the main library search.
- Free public access to over 313,000 full-text documents and bibliographic citations of Department of Energy (DOE) research report literature.
- Documents are primarily from 1991 onwards and were produced by DOE, the DOE contractor community, and/or DOE grantees.
- Included in the main library search.
Institute of Physics Journal Archive
- Full-text archive of all of the journals published by the Institute of Physics.
- Journal articles of high-quality science from key authors and some of the most significant journals in the physical sciences.
- Included in the main library search.
- Knovel contains over 3,000 electronic books covering a wide range of engineering, transportation, and sustainability topics.
- Includes Material Property Search and Knovel Data Analytics
- Included in the main library search.
Knovel Interactive Equations
- Combines powerful, browser-based, calculation software with a robust collection of hundreds of ready-to-use equation worksheets keyed to classic reference works and international standards.
- NOT included in the main library search.
LinkedIn Learning (previously
- Video training for a vast number of software products, IT topics, and design and business skills.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Marketline Advantage
- An international database giving full-text, in-depth reports.
- Covers 50,000 companies worldwide, 2,000 industries and 215 countries.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- This database gives full-text access to market survey information produced by Mintel.
- NOT included in the main library search.
O'Reilly Online Learning
- Training guides for those in the field of IT, including developers, web designers and creative professionals.
- Includes books, videos, case studies, interactive tutorials, audio books and video.
- Included in the main library search.
- A business information resource providing intelligence on industries, countries and consumers.
- Economic data and analysis for the economies of 68 countries, covering 177 industries.
- NOT included in the main library search.
SAE MOBILUS (Formerly SAE Digital Library)
- Provides access to the technical papers of the Society of Automotive Engineers in full text from 1906 onwards, also features SAE journals and e-books.
- Included in the main library search.
SAGE Research Methods
- A web-based research methods tool created to help researchers, staff and students with their research projects.
- SRM focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, so can be used by researchers from the social sciences, health sciences and more.
- Included in the main library search.
- Explore scientific, technical, and medical research from over 1,000 electronic journals.
- Includes business, economics and social sciences.
- Included in the main library search.
- The largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
- Fields of research include science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
- Included in the main library search.
- A collection of full-text journals covering subject areas such as biological sciences, computing, engineering and environment, humanities, mathematics and statistics, medicine and health, physical sciences and chemistry.
- Includes a number of e-books on business, law, and computer science, as well as Lecture Notes in Computer Science for the last three years.
- Included in the main library search.
Taylor & Francis
- Provides access to over 2,500 full-text journals published by Taylor & Francis, Routledge, Psychology Press and Informa Healthcare.
- Included in the main library search.
Taylor & Francis eBook Collection
- Provides access to over 400 eBooks published by the Taylor & Francis publishing group.
- Included in the main library search.
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