The Stage Two of the appeal process is available once an outcome has been received at Stage One. It involves the consideration of the academic appeal by a University Appeal Panel. Follow the steps below to submit a Stage Two appeal.

Submitting a Stage Two appeal

  1. Step 1

    If, upon receipt of the Stage One outcome email, you feel that there has been an error or irregularity with the consideration of your case, you may decide to escalate it to Stage Two of the appeal process.

  2. Step 2

    You should complete a copy of the Stage Two form (Word). Clearly explain why you remain dissatisfied. The form (and any additional supporting evidence that had not been submitted at Stage One) should be submitted within ten working days of the Stage One outcome to

  3. Step 3

    The Student Casework team will email you to acknowledge receipt of the Stage Two appeal; you should receive the email acknowledgement within three working days. If you don’t receive acknowledgement, please contact us:

  4. Step 4

    The team will prepare a report for consideration by the University Appeal Panel. The team may need to request further information from the University or from you prior to the Panel meeting, and the report will be shared with you for comment prior to circulation to the Panel. Therefore, you should regularly check your email during this time.

  5. Step 5

    Whilst awaiting the outcome of the appeal, you are expected to prepare for and to undertake any resit assessments for modules in which you have been referred.

    The Stage Two appeal will be considered by a University Appeal Panel, the Panel is chaired by an Assistant Vice-Chancellor and membership includes one senior representative from each college, and from Student and Academic Services.

    If the Panel feels that more information is required, the decision will be placed on hold whilst the Student Casework Team contact University staff and/or you for further details/documentation.

  6. Step 6

    Once the Panel has reached a decision, the Student Casework team will produce a Completion of Procedures notification detailing the outcome by email. It is anticipated that the email will be sent within six weeks of the Stage Two submission.

    The Completion of Procedures notification marks the end of UWE Bristol's appeal process. The email will advise you on the next course of action should you disagree with the Appeal Panel's decision.

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