Showing 769-780 of 784 results for 'english'.


Counselling Psychology - Doctor of

Professional Doctorate Counselling Psychology gives you a doctorate-level education leading to a professional qualification. It comprises a comprehensive programme of taught modules, 450 hours of counselling psychology practice in a range of placements, and a doctorate-level research project.


Rights redacted – a global view Rights redacted - a global view | Bristol Law School blog

By Ezinwa Awogu – BA philosophy graduate current GDL Law student at UWE Bristol and aspiring solicitor With the UK’s announcement of approval for the Pfizer vaccine a cautious sense of hope and optimism has been restored as the public...

Dove Self-Esteem Project (DSEP) - Research

Find out more about the work of the Dove Self-Esteem Project (DSEP) and meet the team.

Cultures of leading and organising - Research themes

At BLCC we support leaders and organisations in developing a deeper understanding of their own context.

South West Doctoral Training Partnership - Studentship opportunities

We are delighted to announce the availability of Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded studentships as part of the South West Doctoral Training Partnership (SWDTP).

Judges' science writing inspiration - Science writing competition 2016

Science writing inspiration for entrants of the Science Communication writing competition.

Postgraduate loans - Postgraduate funding

Loan and student finance postgraduate funding information for postgraduate students ordinarily resident in England or Wales.

Interdisciplinary team biographies - Project team

Biographies for all those within the interdisciplinary DRY project team.

Final examination - Doctoral Academy Handbook

Information about the final assessment for Doctoral or MPhil level awards by research, including Professional Doctorates and the DPhil/MPhil award by publication.


Pre-trial detention decision-making during the COVID-19 crisis: the urgent need for open justice Pre-trial detention decision-making during the COVID-19 crisis: the urgent need for open justice | Bristol Law School blog

In April 2020 Tom Smith Senior Lecturer in Law at UWE Bristol published a short article for criminal justice NGO Fair Trials discussing the use of pre-trial detention during the Covid-19 emergency. The full post was written by Tom Smith and was...

Terms and conditions of purchase - Finance Services

Terms and conditions of purchase for UWE Bristol.

Showing 769-780 of 784 results.