Scientific literacy in Nigeria: boosting science communication and journalism

SCU is working with TReND in Africa and University of Sussex to evaluate the training programme for journalists and scientists.

In this 3-year project, SCU is working with TReND (Teaching and Research in Natural Sciences for Development) in Africa and University of Sussex to evaluate the short- and longer-term impacts of an intensive, multi-day training programme for journalists and scientists in Nigeria.

Funded by the Wellcome Trust, the aim of the project is to build science communication capacity, resources and conversations in Nigeria, and to build value and trust in health and science research in order to improve health outcomes. The evaluation will explore impacts on participants, stakeholders and the wider science literacy environment through a pre-post survey design as well as analysing the content of media outputs and undertaking a follow-up survey and interviews.

Working alongside the Science Communication Hub Nigeria and the African Science Literacy Network, SCU’s evaluation plays a key part in this important project to increase the leverage and connectivity of the Nigerian science communication community.