Professor Jonathan Benger
Professor of Emergency Care, School of Health and Social Wellbeing
Other roles: National Clinical Director for Urgent Care, NHS England, and Consultant in Emergency Medicine, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust.
About Jonathan
Jonathan Benger is Professor of Emergency Care in the College of Health, Science and Society at UWE Bristol. He leads the Emergency and Critical Care Research Theme in the Centre for Health and Clinical Research, and is Director of the Bristol Academic Department of Emergency Care.
Jonathan is also a Senior NHS Consultant in Emergency Medicine and Pre-Hospital Care, with a clinical practice in the Emergency Department of University Hospitals Bristol and South Western Ambulance Service. Jonathan does regular clinical work at the Bristol Royal Infirmary and with the Great Western Air Ambulance, which he helped to set up as its first Medical Advisor between 2007 and 2011, promoting an active model of pre-hospital critical care. In 2010 and 2012, Jonathan was named by "The Times" as one of the top 140 doctors in Britain (one of five listed under "Accident and Emergency").
Research interests
Jonathan's key research interests relate to cardiac arrest, airway management, early diagnostic technologies, workforce, design research and pre-hospital care. He leads a large multidisciplinary team, and over the past six years has been an applicant or co-applicant on 20 successful grant applications with a total value in excess of £8 million (the majority of this funding coming from the National Institute for Health Research). He has more than 100 peer-reviewed publications, and has given many national and international presentations. Jonathan is the joint winner of two Silver IDEAs, in the 2012 and 2013 International Design Excellence Awards, for collaborative design research projects in pre-hospital care.
Between 2008 and 2013 Jonathan chaired the Clinical Effectiveness Committee of the College of Emergency Medicine, and served on the College Executive and Council. He has extensive experience of guideline and policy development, national audit and safety initiatives and an international perspective on healthcare quality. In May 2013, Jonathan was appointed National Clinical Director for Urgent Care at NHS England, and is now involved in national healthcare policy and commissioning. He is currently engaged in the ongoing review of Urgent and Emergency Care being led by Sir Bruce Keogh.
Areas of expertise
Out of hospital cardiac arrest; emergency airway management; pre-hospital care and ambulance design; acute pain management; early diagnosis of emergency conditions (particularly sepsis); the impact of drugs and alcohol.
Pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency and critical care.
Managerial and policy
Quality and safety in healthcare systems; reconfiguration and commissioning; workforce and service delivery in emergency care.
Knowledge exchange
Working with designers, ergonomists and industry partners to address healthcare problems and evaluate design solutions.
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