Children's role in flood preparedness and resilience
Project Title: Children's role in flood preparedness and resilience
Funder: SPUR (Early Career Research Grant, UWE Bristol)
Project Leader: Dr Sara Williams, UWE Bristol
Other UWE Bristol Researchers:
- Professor Lindsey McEwen, UWE Bristol
- Associate Professor Nevil Quinn, UWE Bristol
Start Date: September 2014
End Date: Ongoing
Children play a key, but under-researched role in flood risk management. Children’s experience of flooding is unique and their experiences, thoughts and feelings should be understood and included in any plans that are made pre or post flooding (and other extreme events).
The project focuses on the role that children could play in flood risk management and their potential to educate, engage and influence their families and communities. Children’s knowledge and influence could result in more informed families through inter-generational learning. This may lead to increased preparedness levels and changes in behaviour.
The initial research project investigates flood education initiatives with young children (please see table attached). A wealth of opportunities exist to further explore children’s experiences and their contribution as influencers, educators and future environmental stewards. Further funding is being sought to support the long-term research aims.
Key outputs
Williams, S J; McEwen L J and Quinn, N (submitted) Journal of Environmental Education.
Williams, S J and McEwen, L J (2015) Exploring children’s ability to influence and educate their families and communities in flood preparedness levels. Oral presentation. CFCR Symposium on Extreme Weather Adaptation.
Williams, S J and McEwen, L J (2015) Exploring children’s ability to influence and educate their families and communities in flood preparedness levels. Oral presentation at World Environmental Educational Congress, Gothenburg. Sweden.
Williams, S J and McEwen, L J (2014) Children and flooding. Paper given to the Centre for Floods and Community Resilience; UWE.
Williams, S J and McEwen, L J (2014) Involving children in flood education: The importance of the interactive delivery method. Paper given to the Royal Geographical Society International Conference: London. UK.
Website resources
Table 1 - A summary of children's resources focused on flood education and awareness (PDF).
For further information on the project, please contact Dr Sara Williams.
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