Appearance Matters 4

Conference held from 22 to 23 June 2010

The Centre for Appearance Research hosted its fourth Appearance Matters Conference on 22-23 June 2010 at the Wills Memorial Building in Bristol. This two day event attracted nearly 200 national and international delegates from a range of professional backgrounds.

Conference programme

The conference included workshops, symposia, oral and poster presentations, highlighting a wide range of appearance-related issues including the psychological factors linked to adjustment to visible difference (disfigurement), the influence of new media on body image and weight related issues, the provision of care for people with appearance concerns, and future avenues of research.

See the Appearance Matters 4 conference programme and abstracts (PDF) for further details of topics covered.

Keynote speakers

Conference keynote speakers included:

  • Dr Alex Clarke, Royal Free Hospital, London, summarised recent progress made in developing interventions for people with visible differences.
  • Professor Lina Ricciardelli, Deakin University, Australia, discussed her research on the role that socio-cultural factors play in the development of body image and in the health related behaviours of adolescent boys.

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