Recent funding in CAR
Centre for Appearance Research (CAR) recent funding, from The Healing Foundation, National Institute for Health Research and many more.
Vocational Training Charitable Trust (VTCT) foundation
This major programme of work is driven by priorities set by charities that work directly with people and their families who are living with visible difference.
We will evaluate existing methods of support and intervention to help charities in this sector maximise the impact of their support.
Dove Self-Esteem Project
Via the Dove Self-Esteem Project, Dove have funded CAR to engage in research to improve young people's body image across the world, reaching over 8 million young people since 2012.
Avon Primary Care Research Collaborative (APCRC)
The APCRC provided NIHR Research Capability Funding (RCF) to support Dr Heidi Williamson. She produced grant applications for the YP Face IT feasibility trial and, more recently, for a full intervention trial.
Bristol Easting Disorders Health Integration Team (HIT)
NHS trusts in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and Gloucestershire funded an eating disorder prevention programme for adolescent girls in local school.
In collaboration with STEPS Specialist Easting Disorder Service in Bristol and the Eating Disorder Service in Gloucestershire via the Bristol Eating Disorders HIT.
NIHR (National Institute for Health Research)
Funding from the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) scheme has supported a study of the feasibility of a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of YP Face IT (an online intervention to support young people with a visible difference of any sort) through primary care.
European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
The Centre for Appearance Research and 17 European partners were awarded funding from COST to establish a research network to develop Europe-wide research collaborations aimed at tackling physical and psychological consequences of dissatisfaction with appearance.
European Commission: Leonardo da Vinci programme
CAR researchers led a successful bid to the Leonardo da Vinci programme and were awarded funding to develop resources to raise awareness in relation to appearance dissatisfaction in vocational trainers and guidance counsellors in five European countries.
The Scar Free Foundation
Funded by The Scar Free Foundation, The Healing Foundation Centre for Children's Burns Research will develop new techniques and approaches to prevent burns and scalds and improve the clinical care and recovery of children who have suffered burns. Members of CAR are working with clinicians and researchers at North Bristol NHS Trust, the University of Bristol, University of Bath and Cardiff University on a psychosocial stream within this exciting new, multi-disciplinary research group.
For further information view the recent press release
In 2005 The Scar Free Foundation funded a three year project ‘Identifying factors and processes contributing to successful adjustment to disfiguring conditions’. The support from The Scar Free Foundation enabled us to develop a unique collaboration of researchers and clinicians (clinical and health psychologists, nurses) from across the UK.
Vocational Training Charitable Trust (VTCT)
In 2009 VTCT awarded CAR the funds necessary to appoint two senior researchers for five years, to lead two streams of research:
- Interventions to meet the psychosocial needs of those adversely affected by appearance concerns.
- Promoting a positive attitudinal climate in which diversity in appearance is valued.
Changing Faces
CAR and Changing Faces have enjoyed a close relationship since the inception of CAR and have collaborated on numerous projects.
Cleft Lip and Palate Association (CLAPA)
CAR is working with CLAPA to evaluate service provision and support needs for individuals and families affected by cleft lip and pate.
Restore Burn and Wound Research
Working with the Restore Burn and Wound Research organisation, members of CAR are developing patient reported outcome measures (PROMS) for use by clinicians and researchers working with people affected by burn injuries.
British Psychological Society
Members of CAR have been working with the British Psycholocial Society staff at Explore@Bristol, an award-winning science centre, to develop an interactive exhibit titled ‘First Impressions’ which aims to encourage the general public to consider their use of appearance-related stereotypes and to promote acceptance of diversity of appearance.
Breast Cancer Now
With the support of Breast Cancer Now (formerly Breast Cancer Campaign), researchers at CAR have conducted a range of studies examining the psychosocial impact of breast cancer including DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma in Situ), the experiences of Black and South Asian women, ways of supporting patients affected by chemotherapy-related hair loss and interventions to promote shared decision making amongst women considering breast reconstruction after mastectomy.
Succeed Foundation
The Succeed Foundation is funding an evidence based peer led negative body image and eating disorder prevention program. In collaboration with The Succeed Foundation, members of CAR are currently rolling out and evaluating the program in schools and universities in the UK.
The British Skin Foundation
The British Skin Foundation have funded Dr Emma Howard (Consultant Dermatologist) and Dr Heidi Williamson to conduct a pilot study to inform a randomised controlled trial comparing an online psychosocial intervention (YP Face IT) with treatment as usual for 12-17 year olds struggling with the appearance-altering effects of dermatological conditions. This study is based at The Birmingham Children's Hospital.
Previous funders include:
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Frequently asked questions for the Centre for Appearance Research (CAR)
Frequently asked questions for CAR.
Contact the Centre for Appearance Research
Contact details for the Centre for Appearance Research at UWE Bristol.