Alumni welcome gift

November 2019 awards ceremonies

If you’re due to graduate at one of our ceremonies in November 2019, we are offering you a unique gift to welcome you into your alumni community. You can now register to receive a free video clip of your big moment on stage.

On the day we'll be there to film you collecting your award, and by the magic of technology we can send you a downloadable clip of you receiving your award.

We also hope you'll want to stay in touch with us beyond graduation. When you register for the video you can also sign up to alumni news emails and keep up-to-date with the latest stories, events, offers and discounts.

*These clips are provided by our partner StageClip, and normally cost £9.99 to buy.

Photo of students walking down an aisle during their graduation ceremony

Your graduation video - how it works

  1. Step 1

    Complete the registration form.

  2. Step 2

    Shortly after your ceremony you'll get an email containing a link to a page where you can download the video clip of your graduating moment.

  3. Step 3

    Share with friends, family, and on social media using #uwegraduation.


You’ll only receive your clip if you achieve your award and attend your Graduation Ceremony in November 2019. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that this service will be available for anyone who may need to graduate at a later stage.

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