Industrial Advisory Board

The role of the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) is to facilitate the exchange of ideas between the board members, academic staff and students in the School of Engineering.

Advisory Board – Purpose Statement

IABs role is advisory, rather than decision making, the aim is to be a forum for strategic discussion and to assist with industry related operational aspects of the School undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and research programmes.

There are four discipline specific subgroups within the IAB:

  • Aerospace
  • Mechanical/Automotive
  • Electronics/Robotics
  • Mathematics

Terms of reference

Members from industry and senior members of Academic staff, appointed to the Board by the Head of School, constitute the Board. The terms of reference are:

  1. To ensure the School receives appropriate and expert advice on the relevance of its teaching programmes.
  2. To advise on the areas of science relevant to longer-term industrial development in School of Engineering and identify overlapping areas of interest.
  3. To ensure the School research portfolio is relevant to industry and help to identify opportunities for commercialisation of research.
  4. To assist the School in securing industrial projects to integrate within the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
  5. To advise the School on the professional skills required by industry to ensure the graduates produced meet employer needs.
  6. To sponsor Undergraduate and Postgraduate prizes and to select the winner of the Industrial Advisory Board Project Prize.
  7. To act as a sounding board for new ideas and developments in the School.

Benefits to EDM

  • The quality of School of Engineering's existing degree programmes is maintained and the curriculum continuously enhanced.
  • School of Engineering is advised on which research activities might be undertaken to meet current industrial needs.
  • The employability of the Schools graduates is enhanced.

Benefits to Industrial Partners

  • A raised awareness of the industrial partner's activities amongst staff and students.
  • Ability to influence graduate outcomes, ensuring STEM graduates are equipped with the essential skills required by future employers.
  • Networking with other companies in the IAB
  • Access to a large student population to undertake a wide range of projects.
  • Access to the extensive equipment and facilities that are available in the School.