Showing 25-36 of 784 results for 'english'.
English Language and Academic Culture - Professional course
This is an English Language skills course for UWE Bristol students who have already been accepted onto one of our courses.
Oxford Dictionary of Family Names in Britain and Ireland - Browse databases A-Z
Ultimate reference work on family names of the UK, covering English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, Cornish and immigrant surnames.
British National Corpus (BNC) - Browse databases A-Z
The British National Corpus (BNC) 2014 is a large collection of samples of contemporary British English language use, gathered from a range of real-life contexts.
Guide to credibility interview - Applying for a student visa outside of the UK
The purpose of the interview is to establish that you are a genuine student and that your English language ability is at the correct level.
iQTS - International Qualified Teacher Status - Professional course
An online, internationally-focused teaching qualification enabling you to engage in English teacher training based in international schools.
Halsbury's Laws of England (via Lexis+ UK) - Browse databases A-Z
Halsbury's Laws of England is a general legal encyclopaedia covering the whole spectrum of English law.
Tenses in academic writing
This workshop focuses on the three most common verb tenses in written academic English and when they are used. You will have the opportunity to practise using these tenses.
Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations - Browse databases A-Z
A web-based service which allows users to search for the meanings of abbreviations of English-language legal publications or enter the title of a law publication to find the abbreviation.
Maternity and Infant Care - Browse databases A-Z
The MIDIRS (Midwives Information and Resource Service) Reference Database covers around 550 international English language journals.
Tenses in academic writing
This workshop focuses on the three most common verb tenses in written academic English and when they are used. You will have the opportunity to practise using these tenses.