Learning Labs: Placements and Science Communication

Learning Labs

Learning Labs provides placement opportunities for Science Communication students based in the SCU.

Learning Labs

Learning labs focused on creating connections between science communication organisations and science communication students based at the Science Communication Unit (SCU), primarily through creating opportunities for one-month placements.

The placements were collaboratively designed by the students and the host organisations, offering the students the opportunity to be creative and innovative and leave behind something of value to the host organisation. We have placed students in a range of organisations, for example Focus magazine, MS-research and Science City.

We have run Learning Labs since 2012, and they are perceived very positively both by students and the host organisations. Feedback from hosts is that students make a positive and valuable contribution to their organisations. They welcome the opportunity Learning Labs provided to strengthen their links with the Science Communication Unit. Students appreciated the creative opportunity and the chance to enhance their work-related skills in an authentic working environment.

See the Learning Labs project report for information about the project.