Events Management databases
British Humanities Index
- An international abstracting and indexing tool for research in the humanities and arts.
- This indexing database provides article citations and abstracts, not full text.
Business Source Ultimate
- UK and international business, management and economics issues across a range of sectors including construction, IT, education, and health.
- Included in the main library search.
- Over 300 peer-reviewed journals covering subjects such as engineering, business and health & social care.
- Included in the main library search.
- UWE Bristol subscribes to the JSTOR multidisciplinary Arts and Sciences Collections I,II,III,V,VII, VIII and XIV.
- A scholarly archive of over 1,000 full-text electronic journals.
LinkedIn Learning (previously
- Video training for a vast number of software products, IT topics, and design and business skills.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Marketline Advantage
- An international database giving full-text, in-depth reports.
- Covers 50,000 companies worldwide, 2,000 industries and 215 countries.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- This database gives full-text access to market survey information produced by Mintel.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Full text database including UK national and regional newspapers, and worldwide newspapers and magazines.
- Includes access to the Financial Times.
- Also includes full-text information covering companies, industries, market surveys, countries, and people.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- A searchable index of policy documents, guidelines, think tank publications and working papers.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- A business information resource providing intelligence on industries, countries and consumers.
- Economic data and analysis for the economies of 68 countries, covering 177 industries.
- NOT included in the main library search.
The Purple Guide
- Help for those who organise music or similar events, so that the events can run safely.
- NOT included in the main library search.
SAGE Research Methods
- A web-based research methods tool created to help researchers, staff and students with their research projects.
- SRM focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, so can be used by researchers from the social sciences, health sciences and more.
- Included in the main library search.
- Explore scientific, technical, and medical research from over 1,000 electronic journals.
- Includes business, economics and social sciences.
- Included in the main library search.
- The largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
- Fields of research include science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
- Included in the main library search.
World Advertising Research Center (WARC)
- This database contains information on the worldwide advertising and marketing industries.
- Includes case studies, full text journal articles, conference papers, news, statistics and information on best practice.
- Included in the main library search.
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