Philosophy databases
Arts & Humanities
- Features hundreds of titles covering Art, Architecture, Design, History, Philosophy, Music, Literature, Theatre, and Cultural Studies.
- Full-text journals.
- Included in the main library search.
ASSIA (Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts)
- Worldwide English language coverage of journal articles, conference papers and book reviews in the fields of applied social sciences and health.
- Provides article citations and abstracts, not full text.
British Education Index
- Covers research, policy, and practice in education and training in the UK, with particular strengths in evaluation and assessment, technology, and SEN.
- Sources include journal articles, books, reports, series, and conference papers.
- This indexing database provides article citations and abstracts, not full text.
- NOT included in the main library search.
British Humanities Index
- An international abstracting and indexing tool for research in the humanities and arts.
- This indexing database provides article citations and abstracts, not full text.
Cambridge Journals Online
- Cambridge Journals Digital Archive contains the full text from 170 journals, from volume 1, issue 1 to 1996.
- Included in the main library search.
CCO - Philosophy Religion and Cultural Studies (Cambridge Companions Online)
- Provides introductions to major writers, artists, philosophers, topics, and periods in the subject areas of literature, philosophy, classics, religion, and cultural studies.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Early European Books Online
- A wide-ranging overview of the intellectual life and historical upheavals of early modern Europe.
- NOT included in the main library search.
IBSS (International Bibliography of the Social Sciences)
- Focuses mainly on politics, sociology, economics and anthropology and is one of the world's largest social-science databases.
- UWE Bristol subscribes to the JSTOR multidisciplinary Arts and Sciences Collections I,II,III,V,VII, VIII and XIV.
- A scholarly archive of over 1,000 full-text electronic journals.
- Full text database including UK national and regional newspapers, and worldwide newspapers and magazines.
- Includes access to the Financial Times.
- Also includes full-text information covering companies, industries, market surveys, countries, and people.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Open Commons of Phenomenology
- Hosts texts, documents, images, and other relevant materials and research related to the phenomenology.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- A searchable index of policy documents, guidelines, think tank publications and working papers.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Index of the research literature in philosophy containing bibliographic records.
- NOT included in the main library search.
PsycBooks (APA PsycBooks)
- A crucial research tool for the behavioural sciences.
- Access to 3,733 scholarly titles within psychology and its sub-fields.
PsycInfo (APA PsycInfo)
- Comprehensive international bibliographic database of psychology.
- Material from more than 2,450 periodicals from more than 49 countries.
- Includes nursing, psychology, medicine, sociology, pharmacology, physiology and linguistics.
SAGE Research Methods
- A web-based research methods tool created to help researchers, staff and students with their research projects.
- SRM focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, so can be used by researchers from the social sciences, health sciences and more.
- Included in the main library search.
- The largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
- Fields of research include science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
- Included in the main library search.
Sociological Abstracts
- Indexes journal articles and conference proceedings from over 1,500 journals in the field of sociology and related disciplines.
The Times Digital Archive
- Access to back issues of The Times (London) newspaper online.
- One of the most highly regarded resources for the study of 18th century history and onward.
- Included in the main library search.
Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive
- A complete online facsimile edition of every issue of one of the most comprehensive literary publications of the 20th century.
- This digital archive an essential resource for anyone studying, or supporting the study of, modern literature, humanities and culture.
- NOT included in the main library search.
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