PubMed is a service of the US National Library of Medicine and provides access to over 16 million references for articles on clinical science and biomedicine. It is a freely available version of Medline.

Access the database

  • Database is included in the main library search
  • Databases provided by UWE Bristol are for educational use only and should not be used for commercial corporate purposes or by unlicensed users

Access the PubMed database


Registration to Pubmed is not required, however you may wish to set up an account using My NCBI to save your search results and citations.

  • Set-up My NCBI by selecting the “more login options” on the login page. Please select “University of the West of England (UWE)” as the login provider and select the option to create a new NCBI account.
  • If you wish to register your UWE email account to create an account, your credentials will be shared with the National Library of Medicine (NLM). Should you wish to do this, you will enter into a direct agreement with the organisation as an individual, and as such will be outside of the scope of UWE’s Data Processing Agreement. This relationship is not covered by the Student Declaration you have signed.
  • The NLM’s Privacy and Security Policy provides further details about agreement; please read this before signing up.


1950s onwards

Accessibility statement


United States National Library of Medicine (NLM)