Sitecore basics

General information to help you get started with using Sitecore.

General Sitecore guidance

Logging in

Guidance on logging in to Sitecore.

Unlock page message.

Unlocking a page

How to unlock pages before editing them.

Content Editor view

How to use Content Editor to create and edit pages and components.

Experience Editor view

How to use Experience Editor to edit pages and components.

Submit button screenshot.


Information on publishing your changes to the live website.


Information on unpublishing pages and components which are live on the website.

General Dos and Don'ts


Do check your changes before submitting them by using the preview button. This includes checking links are working and formatting looks correct.


Do get used to using the different editing modes, Content Editor and Experience Editor, as you will end up using them both.


Do be careful about where you save items and make sure they are in the correct folder. We need a tidy virtual workspace! Check instructions on how to save images and documents correctly and how to create components and pages.


Do make sure to clean your text from unwanted formatting before pasting it into the Rich Text Editor for copy sections. This can be done in Notepad or in an online HTML cleaner.


Do set up a redirect if you are unpublishing a page or changing the name on the menu (this will change the URL).


Don't try to work on a page if it is locked to someone else. If your changes are urgent and the page is locked then please let the Web Editors know.


Don't rush when using the system. Sitecore can be slow, so once you've clicked on a button or field you may need to wait for the page to load.


Don't forget to save your work when editing by using the save button on the top menu. Also, don't accidentally save over your work by flicking between Content Editor and Experience Editor. You can read more about this in the Experience Editor guidance.


Don't add media items such as videos and images to copy sections as they may not render correctly. Instead use one of the appropriate components such as the Image Copy Section or Single Media Content.


Don't delete pages or components in Content Editor view as this will cause errors on the live website.