Partner logo strip
Display a group of partner logos in a grid.
Partner Logo Strip example

Why use a partner logo strip
Use the partner logo strip if you need to display multiple logos together.
Do not use this component to display anything other than logos. The image size is restricted by the component and is too small for images.
To display a set of larger images, use the image gallery component instead.
Key features
- Logos will automatically display in horizontal rows. As you add more logos, the rows will stack in a grid. The number of logos per row depends on the width of each logo.
- You can include an optional heading above the row of logos but consider using a copy section instead if it useful to provide some details and context about the logos.
How to create a partner logo strip
You will need to upload the image to the Media Library in the correct dimensions. Keep the height or the width of all the logos as similar as possible so that the logos display at a similar size.
As logo shapes vary, you might need to experiment with the image dimensions to get the logos to align well.
Include 12 logos maximum.
Logo image dimensions |
200px by 200px maximum |