Wellbeing PAL

Dedicate time to your wellbeing.

Why prioritise wellbeing?

Throughout your time at university you will face challenges – from transitioning into university, living independently and meeting new people to managing your workload, taking care of your finances, taking exams and juggling your social life, study and work. 

These challenges can be exciting but they can also bring up feelings of unease, nervousness and overwhelm. 

Scheduling time for self care, working on your resilience, creating a balanced routine, and challenging your inner critic can lead to a healthier mindset. Boosting your wellbeing in this way will give you more control over your life choices and how you respond to and grow from the challenges you encounter – and make university a more enjoyable experience.

"Thank you for the session. It made me feel normal because everyone struggles sometimes."

Student, UWE Bristol

Student UWE Bristol

Wellbeing PAL workshops

Our wellbeing workshops are run by trained student Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Leaders. They offer lots of ideas about how to look after your wellbeing, build a growth mindset, stay relaxed, discover strengths, reach out to others and keep on top of things when life gets tough.

The sessions are in small groups, are interactive and discussion based. You will gain insight into how to better manage university pressures so you can survive and thrive through challenges, change and uncertainty whatever your year of study.

For example you will learn practical tools and techniques for self care, including mindfulness, and be guided on how to beat nervousness, loneliness and procrastination. You will then be encouraged to reflect on how to apply these strategies to your everyday life without needing to share your own personal story.

You can simply attend one workshop or all the four workshops. You will also have access to our Wellbeing PAL Microsoft Team for additional self-care and wellbeing resources and top tips.

Attending just one workshop can give you the skills and knowledge you need to start the process of making positive changes to your life.

Book on a workshop

You can secure your place at an on-campus or online Wellbeing PAL workshop through InfoHub (login required).

Book on a workshop
Group of students in a discussion

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