Comply with copyright law

Support for library users to navigate the complex issue of copyright.

These web pages are designed to provide information to library users on the complex issue of copyright. Please note that this information does not constitute formal legal advice.

What is copyright?

Copyright is an intellectual property right which covers the expression of an idea rather than the idea itself. This section includes what is covered by copyright and how long it lasts, applied to literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works and sound recordings, films, television and radio broadcasts, and cable programmes.

Copyright and studying

Advice on copying and scanning whilst studying at UWE Bristol, detailing how much and when you can copy, how to make use of licences and other ways to use copyrighted material. There's also useful guidelines when using social media sites, where copyright rules still apply.

Copyright and sharing resources online

Guidance on the copyright laws that apply when using online learning platforms to access and share e-resources.

Copyright and teaching

Information on licenses and exceptions under copyright law that allow you to use copyright works for educational purposes.

Copyright and research

Guidance on how to use copyrighted material in research work, including 'fair dealing' that allow you to make single copies of small amounts of a copyright work providing certain conditions are met.