Self-funded research opportunities

Choose your own topic

If you already know what you want to study (and it fits within one of our areas of expertise), then you have the choice to self-fund your studies, providing more flexibility in what it is you research.

Some of our current students are sponsored by their employers, so this is also an option to consider.

Our research degrees

Self-funded PhD and MPhil students undertake independent research culminating in the submission of written work and examination by viva voce. Professional Doctorates comprise of a taught element, and a research element involving the submission of a thesis and examination by viva voce.

Take a look at our available research degrees to learn more about eligibility and how our research degrees work.

Browse research degrees

How to apply

Make sure you read about the minimum criteria for admission onto UWE Bristol's research degree programmes, the Doctoral Academy application process, and how to apply.

How to apply

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