An expanded high-performance computing (HPC) consortium is proposed to investigate fundamental aspects of the turbulence problem using numerical simulation.

Cases include transitional and fully developed turbulent flows in canonical and complex geometries, with relevance to a wide range of engineering, environmental/geophysical and biological applications.

EPSRC (EP/G069581/1, Yao as Co-Investigator), 60 months, £391K plus £7M HPC time support. View grant details.

The consortium will serve to coordinate, augment and unify the research efforts of its participants, and to communicate its expertise and findings to an international audience.

Most of the staff resource to carry out the scientific work is already in place, funded by EPSRC or other sources, and in all cases the projects have qualified and available staff in place to complete them. This application is for: (a) a core allocation of HPC time to enable consortium members to carry out simulations of world-leading quality, (b) dedicated staff at STFC Daresbury Laboratory and the University of Southampton to ensure efficient use of HPC resources and progress on key projects, (c) a PhD studentship to address issues related to the effect of next-generation HPC architectures on the future of turbulence simulation, (d) travel and subsistence for regular management meetings and international visitors, and (e) support for annual progress reviews, including two expanded workshops to which members of the wider UK turbulence community will be invited.

Duration: 2009-2014

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