About the Data Research, Access and Governance Network (DRAGoN)

Formed in Autumn 2020, the Data Research, Access and Governance Network (DRAGoN) recognised that effective data use and governance requires contributions from many different professions: ethicists, statisticians, computer scientists, psychologists, economists, management scientists.

Our aim is to create an environment for discourse which can bring differing perspectives together for the wider benefit. Data access, management and governance is a highly applied topic; decisions being made every day affect our lives, our business, our government, often in ways which are obscure or known only to specialists in that area. We see the application of theory to practice as essential to the ethos of the group.

But we also need to reflect on practice: decisions about data use are often highly political, based on psychological or institutional factors. Working with practitioners helps inform our research with operational insights, as well as allowing us to challenge accepted viewpoints.

Research themes

Our research aims to create synergy between different research interests to build a sustainable effective research network embracing all aspects of the role, value, use and management of data. The goal is to create research that enables improved decision making in public life, taking a holistic view that encompasses the providers of sensitive data, the designers/appliers of technology to preserve privacy, and responsible analysts and end-users.

To surmount the limitations of current perspectives, interdisciplinary research is needed into how we can holistically understand

  • who contributes their sensitive data, and who has access to it
  • what is collected and deemed ‘disclosive’, or ‘acceptable risk’
  • when can training and algorithms reduce disclosure and improve use
  • why - the ethical and societal context for data collection and use.

Data Research, Access and Governance Network (DRAGoN)

Inter-disciplinary research which aims to build a sustainable effective research network embracing all aspects of the role, value, use and management of data. 

Research centres and groups

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