Workshops and presentations

Informative and engaging

We offer a range of interactive workshops, presentations and talks to help your students learn more about post-18 pathways, higher education and student life.

Sessions are delivered by UWE Bristol staff and student ambassadors at your school or college or via a suitable online platform.

Person giving a presentation in a meeting room.

Interactive workshops and assembly talks

We offer a range of engaging, informative and impartial workshops and talks for students in Years 12 and 13. These sessions help students learn about post-18 pathways and Higher Education (HE) level options, understand its benefits and how to make a successful application to HE. Available sessions include:

  • how to build your skills for the future
  • your pathways at 18
  • why go to university
  • how to choose a course and university
  • how to write a successful personal statement
  • transition to university.

For students in Years 10 and 11, we also offer sessions on the following topics:

  • making choices after Year 11
  • exploring Higher Education.

UWE Bristol subject talks

Our UWE Bristol subject specialists can offer talks for students in Year 12 or 13 on degree-level study or a specific subject. Sessions provide valuable insights into what it is like to study a particular subject, as well as useful advice to help students get into these courses in the future. Example subject areas include Art and Design, Geography, Business, Law, Politics, Philosophy, English, Nursing and Midwifery.

Student life talks with UWE Bristol Student Ambassadors

Our UWE Bristol Student Ambassadors offer workshops and talks about student and university life, how to make the most of the Higher Education experience and answer any questions from the audience. These sessions are available for groups of either Key Stage 4 or Year 12/13 students. Student Ambassador workshops and talks must be supervised by a DBS-checked member of school or college staff.

If your students are considering applying to UWE Bristol and have any questions about courses, facilities, societies or anything else, they can chat with one of our friendly and enthusiastic current students via our 'Ask a Student' service.

Engineering/Digital/STEM workshops

The DETI (Digital Engineering Technology and Innovation) Inspire programme at UWE Bristol has designed a range of hands-on workshops for students in Key Stages 2, 3, 4 and 5 which aim to:

  • connect the curriculum to real-world careers and problem-solving
  • challenge stereotypes and dispel common myths about STEM
  • engage pupils with local careers in engineering.

All our workshops are run by trained outreach coordinators and often feature real-life STEM Ambassadors and students. We can deliver in schools based in the West of England area (Bristol, Bath & North East Somerset, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset local authorities).

The full collection of current workshops is available on the Digital Trailblazers website. If you would like to make a booking or find out more, please email

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