Why we consult

We undertake equality analysis (EA) to consider the likely effects of our policies and practices on different groups protected from discrimination by the Equality Act in order to create a more inclusive university.

We would like to consult and engage with students, staff, visitors and members of the public on issues, policies and strategies which are important to all of us at the University.

Member of staff smiling at a meeting.

Current consultations

Future Quest restructure

The Future Quest programme is currently funded through multiple external funding streams for programme delivery from 1 August 2024 – 31 July 2025. A number of these funding streams are either no longer available or have seen a significant reduction to the funding available. The number of roles currently funded by the streams of funding need to be reduced for us to meet our revised budget. Given the reduction, roles will need to be re-aligned to enable us to deliver on our objectives from the Office for Students. 

Future Quest work to support under-represented students in the region to access Higher Education through delivery of secondary school and college activity. Our work with our target schools and colleges in the region will not be impacted by the reduction in our funding.

Download the Future Quest restructure equality analysis form (DOC).

Please send any comments or queries to the project manager by emailing Stacey.Giles@uwe.ac.uk

The consultation period will finish on 5 June 2024.

Members of the UWE Bristol LGBT staff network at Pride.

EDI events

The University hosts a range of equality and diversity events aimed at a variety of audiences.

A couple of students laughing outside their accommodation.

Student services

Access to all the support and services that are available for current students.

Staff members having a discussion around a table.

Support for staff

Members of staff at UWE Bristol can log in to the intranet for staff-only information on equality, diversity and inclusivity.

A photo of two UWE Bristol students smiling together

Positive action at UWE Bristol

Learn how the University is taking positive action to improve the opportunities and experience of under-represented groups of staff and students.

A group of students in a lecture theatre

Supporting Black, Asian and minority ethnic students

Support services and resources for students who identify as Black, Asian, or from any other minority ethnic group.

Two people having a conversation.

Contact the EDI Team

Ways to contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Team.